A la carte caesarean sections in India for the baby to be born "with a good star"

Beliefs and superstitions have always had a lot to do with people's decisions, to start multiple aspects of life at a specific time (start cultivating, try to conceive, initiation rites, marriage ...) or, conversely, to avoid carry out these activities on that date. A consequence of these superstitions that we can observe today is that in India, the demand for caesarean section soars during the holidays or on auspicious dates.

For example, scheduled caesarean sections multiplied on the last day 9 of the month 9 of 2009. The interventions receive up to a special name "muhurat", which means 'prosperous time'. However, it is not an exclusive trend of India but is also present in other countries in Asia.

I am already surprised by events such as those mass weddings in the moonlight by the alignment of I don't know what you plan the night, but even more so these scheduled deliveries. There are tens of thousands of women who opt for caesarean section so that their children come to the world in dates considered favorable by astrologers.

But even more incredible is that they choose even the exact hour and minute in which the baby should appear in life. Dr. Pahi, gynecologist at two Mumbai hospitals and first elected vice president of the College of Gynecologists and Tocologists of India, declares that

"One patient told me that if her baby arrived at the time indicated by the astrologer, it would be small, her complexion would be beautiful and she would take care of her parents when she grew up." "If they say that the baby should leave at 11:15 , you just have to make the incision and wait three minutes until it is that time and the baby is born. ”

The middle and upper class India, with access to the best health care in the world, is increasingly inclined to this controversial practice.

Thus, while the World Health Organization says that the percentage of caesarean sections should not exceed 15 percent, a 2007 survey conducted in the main hospitals in New Delhi pointed out that Caesarean sections amount to 65% of births. An absolute barbarity.

And that is upward trend of scheduled caesarean sections throughout Asia It is worrying in that, if there is an emergency situation, surgery is not only unnecessary, but it could be complications for the mother and the child. No doubt in these cases I think that reason (and information) should be imposed a little more ahead of superstition ...