The Extremaduran Health Service will create a breast milk bank

The medical services are clear that breast milk is the best food for babies and, above all, for those newborns who, for one reason or another, cannot receive it from their mother and suffer from some type of medical condition.

It is for this reason that in Spain, which currently has only three milk banks (France has 25, the United Kingdom with 17 and Brazil with more than 200), several communities are devising the possibility of creating one.

This is the case of Extremadura, where the Extremadura Health Service (SES) has announced that it will create a breast milk bank in Badajoz, for those babies who need it.

The location of the bank is still to be decided, although it is most likely to be installed in the Maternal and Child Hospital. The SES has planned an economic item of about 100,000 euros to enable the unit that allows to collect and conserve the milk of the donor mothers that later It will go to those babies who need it and whose mothers cannot breastfeed them.

Children who, in principle, will be beneficiaries of such milk are premature newborns, babies undergoing surgical interventions, allergic children with intolerance to artificial milk formulas or those with congenital or acquired immune deficiencies after taking medication, among other cases.

Undoubtedly, this is very good news for all these babies and is another step towards the creation of a network of national breast milk banks that can reach more needy babies.

Video: 60 días para desintoxicar, alcalinizar y regenerar por Ángela Fuertes (July 2024).