When the mobile phone becomes essential

In recent weeks I am having a small fight at home because my husband used to carry on, on and with battery, the mobile phone. So far, none of us had needed this device too much, nor were we very close to it.

But the time has come when the mobile phone has become essential, and this is so because in the school of our daughter (the oldest, the little one does not need “contacts”) they asked us for our phones. To warn in case of urgency, understanding "urgency" as disparate events as an arm is broken or peed on.

Before, luckily I was with them at all times and if they stayed with grandparents or uncles it was not so many hours, although we also tried to be located. But now there is school almost every day, and it is many hours without knowing anything about our daughter.

Obviously, there are more contact numbers, and in case you need it, you can talk to someone in the family. But the first are our mobile phones. Therefore, one has had to become intimate with the cell phone and get used to charging the battery, having it on and carrying it on whenever I am away from home and the girl at school.

Of course I imagine that it will not be necessary to call us, but that is no excuse to forget the phone, always be contactable if necessary. I would like to think that if you want to contact us, do so at first, and do not have to eliminate phone numbers until you find someone.

I would also like to have the confidence that, in the event that my battery runs out unexpectedly (we already know how the phones spend them, when you need it most ...), there will be no problem in contacting my husband. And, why not say it, it seems to me that sharing this responsibility is also logical.

Anyway, this is a small relief to share a change in our lives, and that perhaps also caught off guard as many daddies little friends of walking attached to the mobile phone ... Surely in the case of parents who lived with cell phones like if such a thing before having children has not meant the biggest change.

But well, we have made so many changes since we have children, that it is a bit difficult for me to understand how one cannot do the easiest: get used to always carry your mobile phone. Just in case, which is often said, although we cross our fingers so as not to hear them sound ... Well, a matter of organization and memory, I suppose that for that there are also those who need more time.

Video: Essential Phone Impressions: Middling Magnetic Minimalism (July 2024).