Nine things you should know about skin in pregnancy

Chloasma, stretch marks, spots ... are some of the words that begin to sound to every pregnant woman. Like other organs during this stage, the dermis undergoes certain changes and today we focus on nine things you need to know about skin in pregnancy, issues that interest you if you are waiting for a baby.

  • The sun, with protection. The sun in small quantities is beneficial but you have to take it with caution, applying a protective cream to avoid burns and the skin suffers more than necessary. Remember, at this stage a high and better solar factor without PABA is recommended. Protection will also help prevent chloasma, which we discuss below.

  • Chloasma and hormonal changes. Chloasma or "pregnancy mask" are dark spots that appear on the skin due to hormonal factors linked to sun exposure. The increase in estrogen and progesterone levels causes an increase in melanin secretion. The face is usually the most affected, so we must also ensure that it is more protected.

  • The alba line. The increase in melanin production is also noticeable in the pregnant woman's belly, with this line that usually leaves around the fourth month of pregnancy and goes from the pubis to the navel. It is more visible in women with dark skin.

  • The skin can stretch up to ten times in pregnancy, maximum skin distention that occurs, as is logical, in the womb of the woman. Other parts of the body also increase: breasts, feet, buttocks ... depending on other factors related to weight gain and the overall health of the pregnant woman.

  • Stretch marks do not always appear. Stretch marks are small scars that appear on the skin when it is stretched and does not have enough elasticity, leaving elongated marks. To prevent them, it is necessary that the skin is well hydrated, especially that of the belly, which is the area that is going to be enlarged. Creams and proper nutrition that also hydrate the skin can help stretch marks do not appear, although other factors that could cause them to arise in any way influence.

  • The skin is also hydrated from within. As we have just pointed out, the skin also remains hydrated thanks to a good diet, rich in fruits and vegetables and an abundant intake of water. These habits also bring many other benefits in this period.

  • Glittering faces. Hormonal changes can also cause the pregnant woman's face to be more shiny because the sebaceous glands secrete more fat than usual. However, this also implies that the dreaded grains can make their appearance.

  • Back to adolescence: acne and pimples. The segregation of the sebaceous glands in pregnancy can cause granites to appear on the face, it is acne during pregnancy. The use of a specific soap that keeps the ph levels of the face stable can reduce these unsightly companions.

  • Rashes. Another consequence of hormonal changes and that this time bother, because they cause itching, are rashes in pregnancy. Luckily, it is not as common as other conditions seen, it occurs in about one in ten pregnancies and usually appears at the end of pregnancy. They are known as "polymorphic rash of pregnancy" and frequently appears on the abdomen, thighs and buttocks, sometimes spreading to other parts of the body.

If you are waiting for a baby, keep in mind these nine things you need to know about skin in pregnancy. We hope the tips are useful for maintaining a healthier dermis.

Photos | Thinkstock and seanmcgrath on Flickr-CC
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