Take the children to the theater: an unparalleled and very beneficial experience

The feelings that a work of art awakens us do not experience in our daily lives, and it is difficult that in other situations we can feel them again. The theater is a good entertainment that can make us spend an afternoon full of adventures and emotions.

And these would be sufficient reasons for us to consider taking our children to a theatrical function, but it is that - others - the language with which the events take place in the Theater is special and brings culture and richness to our vocabulary.

That's why i love you encourage you to take the children to the theater, sure they have fun, and you will enjoy seeing the faces of surprise to discover characters, plots and outcomes. It is a safe bet because what child is not fascinated that they tell stories through choreographies and songs? Is there a child who would not enjoy while the actor approaches and directly explains the events that happened to the characters?

The children observe some characterized actors who characters (known or not) are transformed following personal criteria. That is why there are not two equal plays, and that is why we must value the benefits that this Art brings us, and although everything seems to be orchestrated under the director's orders, each of the actors prints their peculiarities in the development of the session .

Many parents excuse themselves by saying 'I'm sure my son can't stand an entire play', but if they watch TV they are much longer most of the time !, and it is also highly recommended that they attend this type of shows so that know all the aspects that involve the play

The age from which a child can 'hold' the theatrical session is around four years old. Obviously it will depend on the character of each one, because surely many little restless prefer to follow the stories, encounters and disagreements, jokes and other secrets of the theater ... while they walk down the corridor between the seats.

When they are very small it is recommended start with the puppet shows, to move on to the 'classics' later (around five or six years old) and musical theater for children (six or seven years old). Little by little, the children understand the stories better, and enjoy a show that guarantees the 'immersion' in the plot, and the possibility of interacting directly with actors and other spectators.

Whenever I have had the possibility of taking the children to puppet shows, children's theater, music concerts or magic performances ... I have done it. Because I think that these types of activities enrich them, and also favor interaction with other people who have also attended (and this last aspect is something that is not observed when going to the cinema - for example - it is clear that I really like the ' seventh Art')

And if theater can become important for children, so is dLet them improvise at home when they pick up the rag puppets and invent fantastic stories by modulating their little voices. Because we should not inhibit the creativity of the little ones, and we should get involved with them (if they invite us) in the construction of invented 'scenarios' in which each of us will adopt a very different role.

Video: Performance Sound BA Hons at Rose Bruford College (July 2024).