Decalogue of fruits and vegetables

During childhood, in adulthood, for pregnant women and ultimately for the whole family, Fruits and vegetables are a fundamental part of a healthy diet.

Ideally, we should consume five servings of fruit and vegetables a day, as recommended by the WHO or the UN, and this together with physical activity and the rest of a balanced diet will contribute to a healthier life.

Why are fruits and vegetables so good? How to get them to enter our menu naturally? Let's see the decalogue of fruits and vegetables, the ten fundamental points that make them essential and appetizing foods.

  • Fruits help us stay well hydrated. Because of its high water content they facilitate the elimination of toxins from our body and maintain a good level of hydration, essential for the health of the body.

  • Fruits and vegetables are almost exclusive source of vitamin C, so it is recommended to consume them daily, trying at least one of the fruits of the day is one of the richest in vitamin C (citrus, kiwi, melon, strawberries, tropical fruits) and that one of the rations is a salad. This way we will avoid vitamin C deficiency especially in babies and children.

  • They are a source of antioxidants: allies of health. They have natural compounds such as vitamins C, E and beta-carotene or pro-vitamin A that, although they are present in very small amounts, decisively influence the acceptance and appetite for these foods and it is known with certainty that they protect us against certain diseases, including degenerative, cardiovascular and cancer.

  • Rich in fiber, very important throughout our lives but especially in childhood. Fiber helps regulate our intestinal function, correct constipation and has beneficial effects in the prevention and treatment of other disorders such as hypercholesterolemia, diabetes, obesity, etc. As for fruits, it should be borne in mind that the fiber content is reduced when peeled, and that the highest concentration of its vitamins is just under the skin, so it is convenient to perform a shallow peel.

  • They help us eliminate excess fluids. They contain little sodium and a lot of potassium, which forces our body to remove excess fluids along with waste substances in the urine.

  • They barely have fat: The amount of fat that most vegetables and fruits have is negligible, except for avocado and olives (rich in oleic acid, such as olive oil) and coconut (with mostly saturated fat).

  • They can be enjoyed at any time of the year, and it is worth taking advantage of each season's own, as they are at their best. Now we have the delicious fruits of spring or autumn, depending on where you read us.

  • Fruits are a sweet and healthy treat. Because of their pleasant taste (they contain sugars, fructose, glucose, sucrose) they are great to taste naturally and without the need to sweeten them with sugar or other sweeteners. They are a good snack at any time, and can be included in the menu to complete breakfast, as part of lunch and snack, and both before and after meals ...

  • Vegetables and vegetables with imagination. Not only can you include them in the main meals of the day as a side dish or salad, they also bring a very tasty and juicy touch to the snacks to take at any time (tomato, lettuce, cucumber ...).

  • Raw fruits and vegetables and in any recipe. These foods admit almost everything, so we can give imagination to our dishes. As fruits and vegetables retain their properties better, they are consumed raw. Whether raw and natural, cooked, roasted or on skewers, they are delicious. And the most original combinations of fruits and vegetables with each other and with all kinds of food will always bring us surprises.

After this I fancy a fruit salad ... This decalogue of fruits and vegetables It reminds us why these foods are so healthy that they can also be fun at the table or at any time of the day as an essential part of the whole family's diet.

Video: Decalogue of a good eco-tourist (July 2024).