Repeat the preparatory course in the second pregnancy?

I'm going for the second pregnancy, coming almost to the end.

With the first one I had no doubts, I was anxious to receive information, but this time, when I asked myself repeat or not the birth preparation course , I have decided not to.

On the one hand, honestly there were some issues that were taken for granted, so some classes became a bit heavy.

On the other, the ones that interested me most, the practical classes and the breathing and relaxation exercises were widely surpassed by my yoga classes twice a week.

I recognize that, the contact with other mothers in the same situation and the medical explanations about what the delivery would be like, one of the hot topics of the course, have helped me a lot, especially being first time. Also useful were some advice from midwives on breastfeeding and baby care, although others were very obvious.

But having already gone through a birth and taking care of my first baby, I found it unhelpful to repeat the course again, although logically it is something very personal.

I understand that some mothers who have had babies with too much age difference prefer to repeat the course to feel more confident and updated.

With a complement of gymnastics in the pool and some breathing and relaxation exercises I have created my own plan of preparation for childbirth.

Video: Repeat C-Section by Dr. Susan Mendelsohn (July 2024).