Guide to receive a pregnant woman this Christmas

Christmas is the quintessential time of family gatherings and gatherings, with meals, dinners and various events almost daily. If at these parties you have a pregnant among diners, we give you a series of tips for the future mom to sit one more at the table. Taking into account your needs, you will get him to feel at ease and that he can fully enjoy the holidays.


Surely you've heard on more than one occasion that every pregnant is a world. Although it may be true, it is also likely that what she is looking for is normal, so, first of all, try to take into account her needs but without greatly altering the plans for her arrival. This will make you feel at home. If you are a close family you will have no problem finding out if you have some hobby typical of pregnancy towards a specific food, some health problem or anything that can give you a clue to try to satisfy it as much as possible.

Another aspect to consider is what quarter is it in, since your needs can be very different. Thus, a pregnant woman of a few months is more likely to have general discomfort and nausea, while one who is in the third trimester is likely to suffer back pain and go to the bathroom more frequently.

In the table

The common denominator of pregnant women is the need to be comfortable, given the obvious increases in weight. Many pregnant women prefer to sit a little reclined to the side, to prevent the weight of the uterus from falling on the stomach. This must be taken into account when distributing the seats at the table. Try to make the pregnant woman sit in a comfortable chair and have enough space, that the table does not bother her.

Think, in addition, that you are likely to do enough bathroom visits, so you should look for a accessible site to get up and sit down frequently, avoiding him so he has to continually ask permission from the rest of the guests or that the other guests have to get up.

To avoid circulatory problems, pregnant women are advised to change their position as much as possible and not sit for long. Keep it in mind if your guest need to get up to stretch your legs or take a little walk.

Adapt the menu

To be the perfect host This Christmas, what should never fail is the menu. And, on this occasion, you should take into account the food needs of the pregnant woman. Above all, the possible risks. In this time of excesses and copious meals, more than ever, the pregnant woman should take care of her diet and not overdo it or consume undesirable foods. As a deference to it, avoid putting food that you cannot eat because of the potential risk of contracting diseases such as toxoplasmosis or listeriosis, such as raw fish or seafood (sushi, ceviches ...), raw meats (sausages, carpaccio, tarts), or foods that carry unpasteurized milk (fresh cheeses, desserts), foies and pates. Remember that bluefish (swordfish, shark or bluefin tuna) is also contraindicated during pregnancy because its mercury levels can affect the development of the fetus.

To avoid complications and excessive work, you can prepare a single menu which the pregnant woman also enjoys. Healthy and lighter dishes will be appreciated by all the guests. To start, prepare some dishes to share in the center of the table, such as canapés, roasted vegetables and some grilled seafood. A comforting fish soup can be an excellent option to continue with the menu. And as a main course, we propose a hake stuffed with prawns in sauce or the traditional baked roast turkey, which is a meat with less fat than others such as lamb or pork.

Pregnant women should not drink a drop of alcohol, so although most of the alcohol evaporates during cooking, it is better avoid it. For the same reason, if you want to sit one more at the table on a few dates when toasts abound you can prepare some alcohol-free cocktails for after eating.

If you finally decide to serve any of the foods mentioned, keep in mind that you must be very clean with the cleaning avoid cross contamination, that is to say. When preparing dishes, take care that food or kitchen utensils do not come into contact with each other. For it, clean and disinfect the work environment and utensils with a specific product, such as Star 2in1 with bleach and detergent. In addition, it is important that you separate raw foods from cooked foods, preventing them from coming into contact with each other.

What does it smell like here?

A classic among the inconvenience of pregnant women is that of smells. Pregnant women have a more developed sense of smell because the membranes of the nostrils are irrigated with more blood due to the action of hormones. Although it may seem like a wonderful aroma to you, if it is very intense it is possible that the pregnant woman will find it annoying. Thus, ventilate the room well before the guests arrive and avoid overloading the room with strong air fresheners, flowers, incense or aromatic oils.

The bathroom that, as we have already mentioned, the pregnant woman will visit on more than one occasion, is a room that without realizing it can give off musty smell because of the bacteria and fungi of humid environments. To avoid this, ventilate the room well and make sure there are no wet towels in the towel rack or in the laundry basket. When cleaning, eliminates bacteria and fungi using products containing detergent and disinfectant, like the bleach Star 2in1.

If you have a pet with hair, vacuum the room before the family reunion and scrub the floor with bleach to keep bacteria, bad odors and mites responsible for home allergies at bay.

As you can see, having a pregnant woman among the diners for the next Christmas is something to keep in mind when it comes to prepare the home and design a suitable menu. Following these simple tips we are sure that the family reunion will be a success and the future mom will feel very comfortable and well regarded by the hosts.

Photos | iStock: Artfoliophoto / luanateutzi / Liv Friis-Larsen / CameronAynSmith

Video: Diane's pregnant on Christmas ! Summertime Saga - SUPRISE CHRISTMAS (July 2024).