Special education schools will not be closed: the Ministry denies it

There were many fathers and mothers concerned about the possible closure of special education centers, since their children have a disability that requires specific schooling adapted to their needs.

There are 200,000 children with disabilities in Spain and 37,000 are enrolled in Special Education centers, more than four hundred schools throughout the country. But today the Ministry of Education has sent a letter signed by Minister Isabel Celaá in which denies that these centers will be closed.

The parents claimed that under the argument of promoting inclusive schooling, their children had to be integrated into ordinary centers where their specific needs would not be equally satisfied and the integration would not be real.

There are children with serious disabilities who in the special centers they attend feel at ease, have their partners and the situation would be very stressful for this if they had to go to a class with thirty children.

In Babies and more "Inclusive education yes, special, too": parents ask the Government not to disappear special education schools

Celaá reiterates that it will not close special education centers in response to a letter from Plena Inclusión, which groups 900 support entities for people with intellectual disabilities, sent in February in which he demanded to the Ministry "more information regarding the plans of the Executive of Pedro Sánchez on the process and deadlines for extension of inclusive education. "

The minister recalls in the note that:

"The obligation of the ministry is to respond to the educational needs of children and young people, also those with special needs. The action is framed within the mandate of the International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and its will is to promote the formation of this collective ".

"By virtue of this task, and following the recommendations of various international organizations that are experts in the field, the Ministry supports the special education centers so that they can carry out their work and continue advancing in the advice of the ordinary centers in this task. ", he has detailed in a statement to the media.

In addition, it "works" to "improve the material and personal resources of ordinary centers so that they can also offer attention to the diversity of an inclusive school that allows the integration of students with disabilities who wish so "

In Babies and more "Possibly some children can be integrated into a normal school, but not all": parents against the closure of special education schools in Madrid

Good news for all children with special school needs in these centers, and also for their parents struggling to avoid closing.

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