Breast milk used topically can improve baby dermatitis

Breastfeeding may not protect against baby's eczema, but what happens if instead of drinking the milk is put on the baby's skin? A study indicates that breast milk used topically can improve atopic baby dermatitis.

Atopic dermatitis is an inflammatory skin disease that affects 30% of the child population. 90% of children experience this disease before the age of five, being the second most frequent cause of visiting the dermatologist. This is a problem that many families deal with and without a doubt if the application of breast milk would help them to remit symptoms, this would be good news.

The anti-inflammatory and wound healing effect was already known, but it is the first time a study of this type has been done comparing the use of breast milk with other treatments in topical eczema (1% hydrocortisone in ointment).

About a sample of 100 children under 20 months diagnosed with atopic dermatitis Moderate-severe two treatment groups were distributed (with the same characteristics in terms of severity and extent of dermatitis, age ...). In one group it was indicated to use a thin layer of 1% hydrocortisone twice a day and in the other breast milk also twice a day in the affected area. In both, general instructions on the care of dermatitis were also given.

There were no significant differences in the evolution between both groups, but there was an improvement in both with respect to the onset with a cure rate of 81.5% in the breast milk group and 76% in the hydrocortisone group on day 21. The Results suggest that breast milk used topically improves atopic dermatitis with similar results as 1% hydrocortisone ointment.

My daughters have not had dermatitis but if they ever had a redness (in the area of ​​the pacifier or in the eyebrows) I did try to give them breast milk, with good results. There are popular beliefs that award many topical benefits to breast milk And who knows, something will be right. That an essay like this confirms one of its advantages makes us see that when the river sounds…

Without a doubt, breast milk is "magic" for many priests, it is recommended for cracks in the nipples, for mosquito bites, for acne ... Have you tried any of these uses? Did it work for you? Of course, the best "application" is the one that reaches the baby's organism when breastfeeding, benefiting from countless advantages.

The study that points out that breast milk used topically improves atopic dermatitis It has been published in the International Journal of Dermatology. If this is confirmed, its use could be recommended due to its low cost, its accessibility and the absence of side effects, unlike alternative treatments.

Video: At Home with Your Newborn. Skin Conditions (July 2024).