The school canteens of the Canary Islands will continue to function in summer

A year ago, UNICEF made it known that children are the poorest group in our country, and at the beginning of this school year, society began to hear news (many of us already knew it for months) about those students, whose The only daily meal was that made in the school canteen.

In our country, stories similar to those of the 'current Dickens children' that we find in the books are already recreated: kids who could well play the role of Charlie (that of Roald Dahl's' chocolate factory), who shared with His family had an uncomfortable feeling of hunger throughout the day. This week we have learned that the Canary Islands Government has launched 'a crash plan', so since February many students at risk of social exclusion, and always taking into account family income and income from benefits, Many students can enjoy lunch at school without having to pay their parents. And in addition, the Minister of Education, José Miguel Pérez, has made public the announcement that At the end of May, the enrollment period will begin so that students who need it can enroll in English classes and summer school canteens (These with a clear intention to combat the consequences of the crisis).

And it is not the same to have to unsubscribe the children from the dining room due to not being able to bear the costs (but having a minimum living allowance to eat at home), that they cannot pay for the service, and also the family lacks income for keep home

Already at the beginning of October CEAPA and CONCAPA requested the Spanish Government to create items for school canteens and books. They began to detect cases of children who went without breakfast to school, or who did not bring food for recess. In the Canary Islands there are cases in which principals and teachers put money so that children can eat at rest.

The Federation of Associations of Fathers and Mothers of Tenerife, celebrates the decision of its Government, and the Canary Federation of Municipalities, has expressed the will to collaborate with the Executive. If there is greater coordination between the Autonomous Government and Municipalities, resources and services for the most needy families can be optimized.

I know that similar situations occur in the rest of the country, but if we are currently looking at the Canary Islands, it is because - according to UNICEF - there the child poverty rate is four points above the peninsula.

Another of the organizations that works for children (Save the Children), had also warned about serious situations of inequality among children, since families that have more difficulties, not only had access to school canteens, but also they were unable to access the school (having eliminated school routes).

Logically, we celebrate the decision of the Canarian Government, which will surely provide relief for families at risk of exclusion and without support from grandparents or other extended family.

Video: Starting a Food Hub: Introduction to Food Hubs (July 2024).