Too much hygiene makes children more vulnerable to diseases and allergies

It is not the first time we have heard that children who live in more depressed and less hygienic areas get sick less often than those who live in more conditioned areas.

Experts indicate that environmental hygiene measures and the development of medicines and vaccines have reduced the infant mortality rate and increased life expectancy and place great emphasis on not stimulate the belief that lack of hygiene is good. Taken together, all these things are positive, although they have the disadvantage that they have been able to contribute to a increase in allergic diseases.

Since our children are born, they leave a sterile environment in the mother's womb to a highly contaminated environment, this causes the activation of the organism defensive system, which is essential for the development of said system. The environment in which children grow today is very different from that of a few years ago, we usually associate hygiene and cleanliness with health, social status and development.

Both our homes and the cleaning products we use today, allow us to convert homes into almost sterile environments. In addition, parents strive to keep children clean and clean, with hygienic wipes or dry antibacterial gels, in sterilizing pacifiers and bottles more than they should and in removing children from anyone who sneezes.

He children's immune system You need to have work for its development so that many hygiene measures make you look for alternative chores, defending against things that are not harmful such as pollen, milk, eggs, nuts and a host of allergies that are developing The kids today.

In a congress of the European Academy of Allergy, revealing data were presented regarding the asthma incidence And it is that at the beginning of the 20th century, this disease affected 1 in 1000 people and currently, it does so with at least 1 in 10.

When we use frequently antibiotics and antiseptics For children we eliminate harmful bacteria but also other beneficial ones. So what the specialists highlight is that being exposed to certain germs creates defenses in your body, and minimal doses are necessary to keep the immune system active and healthy.

The question that we must ask ourselves is to what extent the hygiene of our children should be taken, experts indicate that everything is a matter of balance.

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