Learn to trim with scissors

From the age of three, the manual works help to develop the creativity of the little ones. They help improve your fine motor skills and improve your manual dexterity.

Scissors They can be a very fun element to create shapes, make a collage or other manual works. Very important notice: they have to be special scissors for children, made of plastic with rounded tips; Do not use scissors of other uses. Find them the right size for your hands so they don't get out of your fingers easily. There are some very funny waves or spikes that you will love.

Some colored foam sheets (or eva rubber) that can be cut to create different shapes are also sold in stationery stores. When you begin to know the letters and numbers, coloring and trimming them can be a good way to learn by playing. They will tempt you to cut everything they see, so you should closely monitor the task and leave old magazines or folios that you don't mind if it is tattered.

Until you learn to use scissors you will go through several stages. At first you will only make linear cuts and gradually learn to shape the figures. You will see that he uses very strange hand postures to handle them.

From the age of four, when they are able to draw people who can be recognized as such, it means they are prepared to cut with scissors at will.

If you already master the technique and taking advantage of the date, in drawingsparapintar.com you can find a Nativity scene to color and trim.

Video: BASIC SCISSOR CUTTING - Short Messy Haircut - For Beginners (July 2024).