Torch torch for young explorers

Who has not wanted to run an adventure like those of Indiana Jones or perhaps best known for our children, Tadeo Jones (it is clear that surname Jones does not go with having a quiet life). Explore dark caves, or thick jungles in search of some hidden treasure. A little complicated today, right?

But perhaps we can use the imagination of our children to become intrepid explorers of the house corridor and nothing better to set our cave hall, especially now that Halloween is coming Torch flashlight for young explorers.

How many times our children when getting up to the balo at night are turning on all the lights in the house, forgetting to turn them off when they turn around or use conventional flashlights that only light in one direction, which does not solve the issue of "fear" too much. But surely there will be no fear that resists our young night migrator become an explorer.

The flashlight torch is made of sturdy plastic to avoid breakage and accidents, works with batteries (quiet that you are not going to have to go for pitch) and measures about 30 centimeters.

Its price is $ 20

Video: Modded Minecraft :: The Feudal Pack Ep. 08 :: Addition: A Torch (July 2024).