Decalogue of child safety in the healthcare environment, for parents or professionals?

It is a situation in which we would never want to see ourselves as parents, but that often happens. Visiting a hospital is not always desired and when the child becomes ill, or has an accident, we go to the hospital for their safety. But Child safety in the healthcare environment is not only a matter of professionals but also of parents.

The Spanish Association of Pediatrics has a Decalogue of child safety in the healthcare environment, in which he claims something that we often have the feeling that it is canceled when we enter the hospital with our children: the participation of parents is the safety of children.

The AEP with this document invites families to actively participate in the safety of their children in all phases of health care, assuming their share of responsibility in these processes. And, as we have said on other occasions, the rights of children do not disappear when they enter the hospital. They are still our children, they still have rights, we continue to ensure their well-being and safety.

Pediatricians claim that the provisions of the European Charter for the Rights of Hospitalized Children (1986) and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Boys and Girls (1989) are respected to the fullest in health centers.

Specifically picks up ten recommendations referring to the identification of the child, to his accompaniment, to your medical history, information on the prescribed medication ... They really are issues to be taken into account not only in hospitals, but also in certain cases in health centers, in outpatient care ... This is to avoid unnecessary risks for children .

But they are issues that concern not only parents but also health professionals. Because, sometimes it seems that impediments come from that area. I do not always say, but perhaps in some matters more often than in others, as in the case of accompanying children, not to leave them alone, when they are going to be tested

Decalogue of child safety in the healthcare environment

  • Make sure that your child always wears the identification bracelet, if it should be removed for any technique, insist that it be placed on the other arm.
  • The child must always be accompanied by a family member or caregiver, both in the room and in other areas of diagnosis or treatment, with exceptions such as an operating room.
  • Make sure that the relevant information of the child is in your medical history and that alerts, especially allergies to medications, food, latex, etc. They are conveniently indicated on visible signs at the head of the bed and in the medical record.
  • It is important that you know the name of the doctors responsible for your child, as well as the nurse assigned for your care.
  • Ask without restrictions all doubts you have about your child's health status as well as diagnostic procedures and treatments.
  • It is necessary to insist on the fulfillment of the norms of hygiene, fundamentally the washing of hands, on the part of the companions, visits and sanitary personnel.
  • Clearly indicate the medication your child is taking.
  • Ask for information about the medication your child has been prescribed: name, dose, frequency and route.
  • Do not leave the hospital without a clear report of your care and therapeutic recommendations at discharge.
  • You should know and understand the disease and the existing treatment options as well as the possible complications and their treatments. The doctor and the nurse will explain it to you in proper and understandable language.

As you can see, these are very important points. But I wonder if, apart from being aimed at families, they should not also address health personnel, as I have commented above. Because it is clear that some points of this decalogue are often not fulfilled and it will not be because we do not want parents. Then, it seems that staff should take them into account more and not prevent, without reason, parents accompany their children according to what procedures.

The decalogue of child safety in the healthcare environment It has been prepared by the Working Group on Healthcare Quality and Patient Safety of the Spanish Association of Pediatrics and is available on its website. Wouldn't it be possible that this poster was also exhibited at the entrance of hospitals and in pediatric units?

Video: Martin Luther, Ignatius of Loyola and the Catholic Tradition (July 2024).