They honor the memory of one of their twins, in a beautiful photograph that has left us speechless

The loss of a baby is always painful, after which comes the experience of grief. In the case of those who expect multiple and one of them fails to be born alive, the sensation becomes difficult, because although those who are born are received with joy, they cry and remember those who did not succeed.

And this is just what happens in the picture that we will share today. We tell you the beautiful and moving story behind the image of a newborn baby, in which In addition to celebrating his birth after multiple gestational losses, they also honor the memory of his twin brother.

Leti is the name of the baby wrapped in a pink blanket and who directs her gaze to the place where her twin brother James should have been, in the beautiful, bittersweet, touching and amazing photography We share at the beginning of this article.

His mother is Heather Bowman, a woman who has her own story of a very desired and sought after motherhood. When she turned 36 and still single, Heather felt that her dream of being a mother was moving away a little each day. However, he would not allow not having a partner to prevent him from fulfilling his desire to have a baby.

In Babies and more The beautiful and emotional photograph of a newborn with the ashes of his twin brother

But doing so was not easy, since For years he was struggling with infertility problems, for which he suffered an abortion in 2017, and months after this, the loss of a twin pregnancy at 16 weeks gestation.

To find out why this was happening, she underwent a series of medical tests and exams, in which they discovered that she had a unicorne uterus or a unicorn uterus, which is a uterine malformation in which the uterus is half the size of a normal one and has only one fallopian tube and an ovary.

Once they learned of his condition, although he felt nervous about what this could mean for his dream of being a mother, his doctor assured him that the chances of carrying a full-term pregnancy were good, so he again underwent treatments of fertility

After four more attempts at intrauterine insemination, he finally underwent in vitro fertilization, which resulted in a twin pregnancy, which filled her with emotion and many fears at the same time, for fear that she would not be able to reach term: "Every pain, discomfort or cramp, made me think that something was wrong", he comments in an interview for PopSugar.

Unfortunately, at week 17, they discovered during an ultrasound that one of their twins had no heartbeat. "I had to compartmentalize my duel with being positive for my daughter ... thinking she would be fine." And finally, at 36 weeks of pregnancy, Leti and James were born by caesarean section.

In Babies and more The emotional project that sensitizes and makes visible the gestational and neonatal losses

The photograph that celebrates life and honors death

When Heather hired photographer Jessica Young for Leti's newborn session, she told James the story, to which Jessica replied that if Heather felt comfortable, they could honor James's memory and his twin brothers' bond. Heather accepted and left everything to Jessica.

Upon arriving at the photo shoot, Heather began to cry to see what Jessica had prepared for the photographs, moved by the angel wings she had placed in the place where James would go:

"When he put Leti in his place, all Leti did was turn to see where his brother would have been. I couldn't help feeling that he was there, letting him know that I would always be with her. She smiled several times while looking in that direction. I will want this photograph forever"says Heather.

The image, in addition to celebrating the life of little Leti after everything Heather had to go through in order to have her in her arms, is also a tribute to James, honoring her death and making gestational losses visible.

Video: Her Dad Died Just Before Her Wedding But What Her Brother Did Left The Whole Room In Tears (July 2024).