The mobile or your family? Shocking campaign about mobile abuse

Sometimes you have to create impact to create awareness. Do you know how much attention time you are taking away from your children for being with your mobile or tablet? Better not do the calculation, right? I think it is one of the great evils of our new society. We interact much less with the environment, and when that environment includes children, it is a serious issue.

As it is a universal trend, the Ogilvy Beijing advertising agency devised this shocking campaign about mobile abuse in the family environment. What do you choose, mobile or your family?

A gigantic mobile blocks your family life. It stands between you and your children, it takes you away from them. But the good thing is that it is in our hands to avoid that. There are steps you can take to disconnect from the mobile and connect to your children, such as leaving the mobile at home when you go out with your children, silencing chats, not always carrying it, and of course not using it on the table or in bed .

A very graphic image of what happens in everyday life, right? If we wanted to, we could spend the whole day with our cell phone, even more so than TV, because we can take it everywhere. So it’s time to become aware before it’s too late, and if we’re too hooked on your mobile or tablet, rationalize its use.

Via | Merca20
In Babies and more | Get rid of your cell phone and connect to your children, how much time do you spend with the phone and without your children?

Video: How Is Your Phone Changing You? (July 2024).