Brazil sets new rules to stop the caesarean epidemic

Brazil is the country with the most caesarean sections in the world. There, more than half of babies (52%) are born this way. Although WHO recommendations indicate that the cesarean section rate should not exceed 15% of deliveries, in Brazilian private clinics, 84% of deliveries are by caesarean section, while in the public sector the figure exceeds 40% .

For try stop this caesarean epidemic, Health Minister Arthur Chioro has announced the launch of the campaign “Childbirth is normal”With new rules that will apply in all clinics and hospitals.

"Childbirth is normal": new rules

Be he intends to close the fence to doctors so that they cannot arbitrarily decide the practice of caesarean sections. From now on, they will be obliged to inform women about the risks of caesarean section (didn't they do it before?) And to ask them to sign a consent form before performing the surgical operation.

They must also complete a graphic document where everything that goes from the labor phase to the birth of the baby will be recorded and justify, if required, the reason for the caesarean section.

Failure to comply with these regulations, doctors may be fined up to 8 thousand dollars.

How did we get to this?

Brazil is not the only one affected by this epidemic. Other Latin American countries do not escape their tentacles either. In Argentina, Chile and Mexico, 38% of deliveries are by caesarean section, according to data from the 2012 State of the World's Children of UNICEF.

It is not one, but several reasons that have led Brazil to this situation. On the one hand, the idea that vaginal birth is something primitive and ugly, while at Caesarean section is seen as a more "modern" and less painful practice. In addition to being more practical, you even choose the day your baby will be born!

We must also mention the cult of the body that you have in Brazil. Women fear being less sexually attractive by having vaginal births.

Another issue is that doctors cover their backs in case of possible litigation. They fear natural births. When practicing a caesarean section, risks are avoided in the face of complications that could arise in a vaginal delivery, and that are then claimed not to have practiced it.

In addition, there is a resource problem. There are no beds available for women who arrive at a hospital in full labor to give birth, since all are occupied for caesarean sections. So, the only way to book a bed is to schedule a caesarean section. Regrettable.

Culture of superficial and advantageous birth

Behind all this, obviously there is a absolute misinformation towards women about the birth process.

Predominates a culture of superficial and advantageous birth where it is more important how the body will fit, comfort or protect against claims that the risks, both for the mother and the baby, which involve cesarean deliveries.

And beware, I am not saying that C-sections are sometimes not necessary. That they are, and they save many lives. The problem are the non-cesarean sections, caesarean sections by choice without any medical justification. Given the figures, it is obvious that in Brazil there is abuse of the latter.

I don't know if you are new rules will reach for stop the caesarean epidemic in Brazil and make doctors and women change their minds about their disadvantages, which are not few if we also take into account the effects of this long-term practice for children's health.

They will have to do a brutal information campaign to "unmask the caesarean section" and make women aware of what is best for them and their babies.

Video: Gary Vaynerchuk's full inteview with Colin Cowherd. THE HERD (July 2024).