St. James of chard. Recipe

You know my obsession to get our children to take more vegetables and a recipe that went very well with my son and that now works very well with my nieces are these Stuffed booklets or San Jacobos chard They eat great as almost all breaded products.

It is a simple recipe that is prepared in a periquete and that has the advantage that once ready and before frying, they can be stored and frozen to have them ready when we want to eat them. I I always have a tupper with 20 or 30 San Jacobos in the freezer ready because you never know when I will have a family visit and always ask me.

Ingredients for 4 people

4 chard leaves, 2 slices of ham, 2-3 slices of cheese to melt, olive oil, eggs, breadcrumbs and salt

How to make San Jacobos de chard

We cut the pencas (the white part) of the chard, keeping the leaves for other preparations (to fill them with meat and rice, or to take them with baked potatoes) and cut them into rectangular portions that we cook in salted water for 10 minutes.

We drain the pencas well and let them cool. We make couples with pieces of similar shape and size and on the chard pencas we place a piece of ham of similar size and a piece of melting cheese, covering with the other penca.

We pass the booklets for beaten egg and breadcrumbs, allowing to rest for a little while so that the San Jacobos of chard settle and remain well breaded. It is time to store them in the freezer if we are not going to fry them at that moment.

When they are going to consume, we fry in very hot oil, going around the San Jacobos de chard to brown on both sides. We drain them on absorbent paper and take them to the table to serve them very hot.

Processing time | 30 minutes
Difficulty | Easy recipe


You can serve the San Jacobos of chard accompanied by a sauce if you prefer, -mayonesa, fried tomato, or similar- although in my opinion they are richer in accompanied by tomato salad that provide an excellent contrast of temperatures and a flavor that goes very well with the breaded ones.

Video: An Epic Tale of Chard and Kale. The Farmers Market in Brattleboro, VT (July 2024).