A different guide: "This is how Rapa Nui babies are born"

Immersed in our environment sometimes we lose sight of other cultures that conceive motherhood in a way that is somewhat different from ours. The guide "This is how Rapa Nui babies are born" aims to bring the reality of pregnancy and childbirth to this culture.

The complete title of the guide is "Pe Nei te poreko hana or te na poki 'i Rapa Nui. This is how babies are born in Rapa Nui", is published by UNICEF and is framed within the materials distributed to its users by the System of Comprehensive Protection of Children Chile Grows With You.

The guide contains biomedical information and the Rapa Nui worldview about the health and development of the pregnant mother during pregnancy, birth and puerperium, and the health and upbringing of her children.

Unicef ​​has also prepared, together with the Ministry of Health and Chile Crece Contigo, the Mapuche Gestation and Birth Guide (Txur Txemuain Growing Together) and “Disembarking on an island. Gestation and birth in Chiloé ”, with the purpose of preserve the cultural identity of native ethnicities and communities that exist in the country and host the diverse realities of pregnant women.

For example, in Rapa Nui, pregnant women are advised to consume typical island foods such as sweet potatoes, taro, yams, sugar cane, cassava, lettuce and plantain. Another recommendation is to take infusions of natural herbs, such as the fig tree. Another tip is to take hot sea water baths, since salt is very good for the skin and relaxes.

The guide: "This is how Rapa Nui babies are born" It can be consulted online (58 pages), it is the result of joint work with several actors from the Rapa Nui community and professionals from Haŋa Roa Hospital on Easter Island. A beautiful work that brings us closer to a fascinating culture.

Official Site | Unicef ​​In babies and more | Cultural principles in pregnancy and childbirth, "There is a relationship between birth, upbringing and culture," interviews the anthropologist María José Garrido, Vertical births in pre-Columbian art

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