The other "duties" of going back to school

We have around the corner a long and exciting school year. In a few days the Spanish children will join the classrooms and that means that it is a good time to set new goals, make a new account and sit down and reflect on the "other" duties of going back to school.

What better time than the new course to put some order in family life and face a new beginning with positivism? We leave you ten homework for the new course we should all do. Take note and put them into practice.

Ten homework for the new course

1) Don't skip a good breakfast every morning. In a hurry, breakfast becomes one of the great forgotten of the day, but it is very important for children to have a full breakfast that gives them the energy needed for the day that awaits them.

2) Eat with family. Make lunch or dinner a pleasant time to share with your family. No stress, no hurry and above all, no phones, tablets, or TV.

3) Disconnect from mobile. Oh, the mobile! We do not realize how hooked we are parents, the time we take from our family. Take steps to make reasonable use of the mobile and pay more attention to those who really need you one hundred percent: your children.

4) Communicate more and better with your children. It doesn't matter how old they are or how many children you are. Encourage dialogue with them. Set a few minutes a day, for example before bedtime, to talk about how your day went, what worries you, etc.

5) Do not forget the story at night. If we read them frequently, we will help them to love reading and become great readers. In addition, we stimulate their imagination and establish a very positive bond with them.

6) Spend more time with your children. Play, make plans to spend as much time as possible with them. Get organized to take them to school, pick them up, take them to the park, or at least have breakfast and dinner with them. These are moments that are worth gold and you are missing them.

7) Less activities away from home and more inside. I don't know about you, but this year we have proposed a year without extracurricular activities. It is true that there are children who are very excited. It is not our case, so we chose to have more free time in the afternoon to be at home and not be overwhelmed by running from one place to another. If that, any we can share with the family over the weekend.

8) A good use of technology. We love technology, it is part of our lives and essential for new generations, but in its right measure. We do not want abducted children for the screen. Manage reasonable use of mobile phones and tablets to be responsible users.

9) More empathy and less comparisons. Make everyone feel that he is understood and that he always has your support. Learning to connect with our children and empathize with them without making odious comparisons is essential to make them safer and happier.

10) Without hurry or stress. Most of the time it is we who set goals above the possibilities of our children. Looking ahead to the new course, remember more than ever that each child has their rhythm to learn and grow. Step by step, everything in its time and without stress.