Hilde considers herself a nine-year-old journalist, but where is the limit?

There are trades that are very vocational, surely we can think of everyone and there are children who have very clear from an early age what they would like to do in life when they are older but Is it sensible that that's why they dedicate themselves to being older ahead of time?

The story of Hilde Kate Lysiak and his "newspaper" the Orange street news, leads us to this reflection, she is nine years old and because of how she writes and how she reports, she is a journalist, it is not that she wants to be older, it is that she believes that she already is and in view of events, her parents too They are convinced of it.

Journalist with nine years, where is the limit?

Is it okay for a 9 year old girl to report a murder?

Posted by Magnet on Thursday, April 7, 2016

Hilde Kate has a digital newspaper in which he tells the news of his city, what happens and what she finds out in school, on the street, in her daily activities. So far it could be an entertainment and a sample of a huge vocation by a nine-year-old girl who certainly points out ways to be a great journalist when you can do it professionally, when you are an adult.

The facilities provided by the internet to write and to publish it is evident that today they are endless and having the support of their parents, their family, they are magnificent tools to learn for the future.

The controversy has arisen when As a journalist for her digital newspaper, Hilde Kate covered the news of a homicide near her home. She confirmed with the police department what had happened and appeared in the scene of the news, of the murder. There he talked with the neighbors and gathered more information about the event. Information that he later wrote and published in his digital newspaper.

“I worked very hard” She comments in reference to this story and it should have been that way when she managed to give information in her digital newspaper before “her competition”, that is, the local press. In fact, she corrected some of the incorrect information that the press was apparently offering about this homicide.

Looking for the truth

Obviously she did not follow the usual channels of the local press, she had neither political filters nor censures of any kind beyond her own lack of maturity or knowledge, logical on the other hand because at no time have we stopped talking about a girl from nine years.

As expected, when readers realized that the homicide had covered him informatively speaking a nine-year-old girl, many of them disapproved of the fact that at this age Hilde Kate was doing such activities. Some did it in their digital newspaper and others in other media, so obviously the fact went viral and the repercussion was even greater than she had imagined. In fact, we are talking about her here and now, thousands of kilometers away.

Hilde Kate, instead of being intimidated by the comments that indicated that she should be playing with dolls and not reporting on homicides, commented that perhaps that was what the "professionals" were doing while she was working in the place of the News. Yes, nine years old is Hilde Kate Do not forget us!

Hilde has commented these days that he had discovered that the police had asked precisely the "professional" media not to be informed of that story and to me and any adult (does not necessarily have to be a journalist) We can think of numerous reasons why the police could request the collaboration of the press.

The girl has reaffirmed that she "works" to obtain the truth and not for the police, that it does not seem right for anyone to decide for her and that He never thought to start with his newspaper that the end was for people who read it to think it was "cute".

She wants to be taken seriously and for adults to stop treating children as if they couldn't do anything because if they don't, children will also believe they can't do great things in the world, Hilde Kate said. .

“Children should know that if they work hard, they can do amazing things.”

She says herself reaffirming her conviction that she is one more journalist despite the difference in age with adult professionals.

“I like playing with dolls and I also think racing cars are very cool. Adults should not assume that a child should be doing one thing or another. ”

Hilde Kate has thanked the numerous samples of support she has received, not everything has been critical to his action and to those critics he has reminded them that yes, he is still a nine-year-old girl but also and in the first place is a journalist and therefore considers that he can report a story.

Where is the limit?

It is clear that vocation does not lack an iota but is still a nine-year-old girl.

Strengthening the qualities of children is always something that parents should do, focusing on their talents makes them happy both during their childhood and later in adulthood.

That a nine year old girl wants to be a journalist is very common (It happened to me more or less at that age ...) that a nine-year-old girl wants to write, inform, investigate is something that falls within the logic and that defends her posture, her talent and her hobby, demonstrates that it is more than just a whim.

That a nine-year-old girl talk to the police about a homicide, go ask the neighbors, write a story about the matter as she comes up given her age, her knowledge and her maturity and consider that she is doing a better job than that of adult journalists, I don't know ... but maybe somewhere we should put a limit on the part of the adults responsible for their education and their childhood.

Video: LBCCD Board Meeting - June 26, 2019 (July 2024).