We present to you how SuperPaquito works, the Imaginarium tablet

In this video we present the SuperPaquito operation. The video was made by my daughter using a user created especially for her, and I, who have reviewed the administrative part that being very simple requires a little dedication and effort from the parents or guardians of the child to use SuperPaquito with total security and getting the maximum performance from the tablet.

Additionally, PaquitoLand is reviewed with its enormous potential as a content platform specially prepared for kids. And is that in PaquitoLand There are applications, videos, games, books, music and many more attractions to buy. Much content is also free and promoted by Imaginarium with its identification of why it is attractive and suitable for children.

You we thank Imaginarium that has allowed us to try SuperPaquito and explain many features of the tablet. I still think that it is a great advance for Imaginarium and that it shows the commitment that technology adapted to children is a means of creative, playful and stimulating learning.

It is appreciated that SuperPaquito has worked with experts from all areas of the company: early childhood education, technology, psychology, product and content developers, etc. It shows in the touch, in the fluidity, in the ease of use and in the contents chosen to be able to make the kids learn and enjoy with SuperPaquito.

Important: The test was done with the Wi-Fi connection of my house. Images have also been mounted to streamline the video finally presented.

In Peques and More | Imaginarium presents SuperPaquito More information | SuperPaquito and PaquitoLand review for Pequesymas.com

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