10 tips to buy baby clothes

As beautiful as certain clothes can be seen in a shop window, we have to think mainly about their practicality, comfort and convenience when dressing the baby.

My experience has taught me that there are clothes that we rarely wear because it is not practical to change it or because the baby feels uncomfortable with it.

Therefore, in addition to liking us, it is important to continue certain tips before buying baby clothes. For example:

  1. That incorporates automatic snaps (not plastic because they melt when ironed). The advisable thing is that the shirts have brooches on the neck and that the pants have them on the crotch; It is much easier to change the diaper.

  2. That the fabrics are soft and easy to iron, preferably 100% cotton, especially if the baby is very small. Avoid hard tissues and wool that lose lint.

  3. Avoid waist with zip and buttons on the clothes of newborns. Prefer elastic waistbands that fit better and we are sure you don't squeeze them.

  1. Prefer adjustable waistlines. When they are somewhat older, pants with adjustable waist are ideal, those that bring an elastic with buttons at the waist.

  2. Think of the younger brothers. When we have two or more children of the same sex (or not), we buy thinking of all the possible users of that garment. They grow so fast that at least we are pleased to know that the garments will have double (sometimes triple) use.

  3. Make sure our baby has clothes that match what we are going to buy. This tip goes especially for parents who like to get out of the classic blue for boys and pink for girls.

  4. When they are newborns, prefer pants, scrubs and pajamas with foot included.

  5. Prefer bodies to shirts, especially in winter. They are always inside the pants / skirt and prevents the tripita from getting cold.

  6. The shoes: For newborns, who are warm (in winter), comfortable and soft. For older children, avoid cords; Velcro shoes that can put them on and take them off themselves are preferable.

  7. Socks: neither small nor large as they can hurt your foot. In winter, buy them long to the knee, because when the baby is lifted the pants get up and the little legs are exposed.

Video: Practical Tips When Buying Baby Clothes (June 2024).