The beautiful photo that connects four generations of women

I met her almost by chance, and it is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful and meaningful images I've seen lately. Women as a generational link, naked on a bed with history, celebrating the arrival of a new member to the family.

This beautiful photo, taken by photographer Jade Beall, connect four generations of women in a very intimate moment, even though we only see three people. Lucy recently gave birth to her daughter in that same bed, which belonged to her great grandmother, where she also feeds her baby before her mother's sweet gaze. Everything returns to the place where it began.

A bed with history

Lucy has had the privilege of giving birth to her daughter in the bed that in her day has belonged to her great grandmother, where her mother was probably also conceived.

We do not know more about the history of the bed, but it is possible that her mother was also born there and until she herself was conceived. Years later, he continues to witness family history, the scenario where a circle of women closes.

Jade Beall is an exceptional photographer, who knows how to capture the beauty of the traces of motherhood like nobody else. Besides being a photographer, she is a mother and is the person behind 'A beautiful body', a beautiful book with a collection of photographs of mothers' bodies after giving birth.

When uploading the image to his Facebook profile, Jade described it this way:

"The beautiful body on the left gave birth and fed the beautiful body on the right, which gave birth and feeds the small beautiful body on its chest."

In the photo above we can see an excited mother and daughter sheltering a new life, hugging and kissing the newborn baby. In the one below, we see the two embraced, without even a coat of clothes between them, waiting for the arrival of another woman to the family.

Photos | Jade beall
In Babies and more | The traces of pregnancy shown by Jade Beall

Video: Ask Mark: The Reason You Show Her Photos of Your Life at Home (July 2024).