Recipes for the whole family: the most juicy tuna pie, Victoria sponge cake and more delicious stuff

How do you see your appetite at this time? You are going to make your mouth water with these delicious recipes for the whole family that will help you innovate in the dishes you prepare every day.

We bring you the best recipes of our companions of Direct to the Palate and Vitónica with which you can prepare varied and healthy dishes that both adults and children will like. Bon Appetite!

First Dishes

  • Tuna pie: the most juicy recipe: a classic dish that children really enjoy. They won't leave crumbs.

  • Salty yogurt and goat cheese cake with tomatoes: an easy recipe with curious flavors, perfect as a first or for a light dinner. You can have it prepared in advance.

  • Potato soup with 5 ingredients: few ingredients for a quick and simple recipe that you can prepare when you're in a hurry.

  • Curried cauliflower and oatmeal burger: a vegetarian recipe to start the week with a joy on the plate but without missing other meat ingredients.

Main courses

  • Serrano ham and chicken with ricotta paupiette: a delicious mixture, which gives very little work because it is done in the oven, and that is an original way to enjoy the typical chicken fillet.

  • Sauteed pork and pepper with barley: allows you to combine meat with vegetables and some cereal to make a complete and healthy dish.

  • American-style baked ribs: a recipe for finger food that kids will love. Tender meat as few and has all the flavor of the ingredients used for the marinade

  • Rice with broccoli, green beans and Iberian pork: a variation on the vegetable paella, to which we incorporate some broccoli buds and some pieces of Iberian pen.

  • How to make a baked chicken film: Make a crispy crust chicken, tasty meat and juicy breasts, it has its one, here the tricks to get it.

Sweet recipes

  • The authentic recipe of the traditional Victoria sponge cake: an undisputed classic of British cuisine with two biscuits, ideal for a very British snack.

  • Eclair with red fruits and white chocolate cream: the eclair, with its light and spongy dough, allow infinity of fillings with different flavors which makes them very versatile.

  • Biarritz Cake Recipe, gluten free: a delicious traditional sweet special for celiacs, with a delicate flavor and a very tender, perfect for breakfast and snacks.

We hope our summary of Recipes for the whole family so appetite has opened your appetite and that you put them into practice these days. Remember that if there is an ingredient that is not suitable for young children, we can suppress it or make a slight adaptation in the recipe if they do not like something.

Video: Pineapple Upside Down Cake Simple and Easy (July 2024).