A baby dies in Catalonia affected by an enterovirus

A few months ago the fathers and mothers of Catalonia, in Spain, were put on alert to learn that there was an outbreak of infections by an enterovirus which caused more serious symptoms than usual.

The lack of knowledge about these viruses, and the knowledge that there was no way to be completely sure of avoiding contagion (through a vaccine or similar), led many parents to make children absent from schools and to visit or call the centers. primary care and hospitals for doctors to rule out that their children had an enterovirus, or to find out about the disease.

Now, when the outbreak was long overdue, we have to regret the death of a baby affected by an enterovirus.

It might not be the first death

About three months ago we explained that the first death from enterovirus had occurred, that of a two-year-old boy. However, the authorities did not confirm 100% that the cause was that (although the symptoms seemed to say yes) and that is why there is talk in some ways that the death of the baby we explain today could be the first case .

What do enteroviruses do?

Enterovirus infections are extremely common. Every year thousands of children are infected by enteroviruses, the most common symptoms are cough, mucus and fever. Like all viruses, it heals only without complications. Sometimes it produces diarrhea and vomiting, being the treatment again symptomatic.

However, fear came when the strains that were affecting Catalan children caused, in addition to these symptoms, neurological complications with tremors, difficulty walking, seizures or severe drowsiness.

Many people began to say that children could be tetraplegic, because it was learned of a case of a girl who ended up in that state in February because of an enterovirus, but it was soon learned that the strain that was acting in the outbreak was a different one.

In a few days they occurred more than 60 cases and the alert was not long in running. Months later we know that the outbreak progressed much more slowly and that although there were many infections at the beginning, in another 5 months there were only about 50 cases added.

The case of the baby

As we read in El País, the girl, under one year old, died Monday at the Parc Taulí Hospital in Sabadell. The enterovirus that was spread was the same one that started the outbreak (strain A71), which is the one that causes the aforementioned neurological effects.

Apparently, on July 30 the girl went to Granollers hospital with a picture of fever and vomiting. Since these symptoms are typical of a nonspecific viral infection that usually improves without major complications, he returned home. However, the next day, the state of the child had worsened and went to her primary care center, where they saw that had initiated symptoms such as drowsiness, decay and lack of strength in the limbs. The girl was transferred to the hospital in Granollers, from where she moved again, seeing that it could be an enterovirus, to the ICU of the Parc Taulí Hospital in Sabadell.

There she was admitted from that moment until last Monday her little body said she couldn't do it anymore. Doctors have said that it has been a fulminating case, very serious, because it happened in a few hours to have nonspecific symptoms, such as gastroenteritis, to suffer a severe inflammation of the nervous system.

In addition, they explain that there was no possible way to prevent the disease from progressing, because it is not known what it is until the symptoms that give the alarm occur. And that is what was done, as soon as they saw that the girl was drowsy she was urgently transferred to receive possible treatments, although there is no specific cure and for now everything is about trying to help the children's immune system defend themselves more effectively.

The bud is closed

The Department of Health stated that the bud is closed, that there are no more infections with the speed that when it all started, and it shows that in the last two months barely five cases have been detected. Obviously, it is not ruled out that isolated cases can continue.

Therefore, it was recalled what are the preventive measures to prevent contagion, especially in children under 6 who are at the highest risk:

  • Wash hands frequently with soap and water. He correct hand washing It is the most important thing to be healthy.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth without first washing your hands.
  • Avoid close contact (giving kisses, hugs, sharing glasses or cutlery) with someone who is sick.
  • When coughing or sneezing, cover your mouth with a tissue or shirt sleeve, not with your hands.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces, such as toys or door knobs, especially if someone is sick.
  • Stay home if you are sick and do not take children to school if they are sick.

Video: CDC Probes Deaths of Children with Enterovirus (July 2024).