If you have a baby, don't forget to take care of your back

There is much talk about back pains of pregnant women but the truth is that, once the baby is born and as it grows, some of these discomforts again make an appearance. Load with more account weight and adopt inappropriate postures They are usually the most frequent causes of back problems, something that should be avoided, since caring for the back is essential to avoid major problems in the future.

Why does my back hurt?

Back pain is one of the most frequent reasons for medical consultation and work leave in our country. One of the main causes of these pains are the bad postures, gestures and movements that we do every day without realizing it and that, little by little, they affect the muscles and ligaments of our vertebral axis.

It also has a direct effect on the back the stress and tension. Lack of exercise can also be the cause of back discomfort, as the muscles weaken. He excess weight, and carry extra pounds abruptly, it is another factor that contributes to the appearance of this type of pain.

If you have a baby, as you grow and gain weight, you will see that back discomfort, especially in the lumbar, appear more frequently. It is important that you analyze what you can do to improve in your day to day to try to avoid these pains that, in the long run, can become a chronic problem.

Good (and bad) practices

Taking care of posture is essential for prevent muscle aches of any type. So, you should watch how you stand when you are breastfeeding your baby to avoid overloading the cervical and lumbar. In the same way, stand with your back straight when you are playing with your baby, using cushions or pillows if necessary.

Carrying excess weight is not adequate and can harm your back. If you have to take several heavy packages do it from one correct posture, always flexing the knees and with a straight back, without tilting it and avoiding sudden movements.

Apply this method too. when you go to catch the baby to sit it in the car seat and also to lower it. If you want to carry your baby in your arms, the most comfortable thing for both of you is to use an appropriate baby carrier according to your age, especially if you are going to do it for long periods of time.

At bedtime, do it on a firm mattress That is in good condition. This must have the appropriate hardness according to our needs. Try to rest in a correct position that does not adversely affect your back, such as on your back or side with your knees bent, using a pillow that is not too high.

Move on

He moderate physical exercise It is highly recommended if you suffer from back problems, as it will help you strengthen the muscles and to improve flexibility and mobility of the back. Of course, it is convenient that after exercising you perform stretching to avoid muscle overload.

Some exercises are especially appropriate for people with back pain, such as swimming or walking, since they allow toning and strengthening the back without overstretching. Yoga is also a highly recommended practice, which you can even do with your children.

If the lack of time is inconvenient or you prefer to do the exercises at home, there are many options to strengthen the muscles from the back without you having to move from the room.

Both yoga and the aforementioned postural exercises will help you relax back muscles. If you also combine these activities with good breathing, you will avoid discomfort and ailments of this type.

Fair weight

In everyday life, try to be practical and not carry more weight than your back can support without resentment Prioritize what you really need and avoid carrying more things than necessary. Health is the most important and best take two trips, which will cause muscle discomfort in the future.

Some accessories can make your life easier and help you take care of your back. When you buy childcare items, try to make them manageable, versatile and foldable. Weight is always a factor to consider, because sooner or later you will have to carry them (to go on vacation, to grandparents' house, get on the bus ...).

Light fixtures are great allies, especially when children are between one and three years old, stages in which they still usually ask us to carry them in their arms (along with the rest of the things we need to transport). Taking these needs into account, Chicco has one of the strollers lighter on the market, OHlalà. With only 3'8 kilos Of weight, but of great resistance, it is a practical chair for parents and comfortable for little ones.

Take care of your back, avoiding overstrain and performing proper practices, such as maintaining good postures and performing various exercises, will prevent you from having aches and pains in the future.

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Photos | iStock: gpointstudio / FamVeld / jehsomwang