Advantages of having friends without children when you are a mother

When we are mothers, having other friends with children is very beneficial and convenient, because we have someone who understands us. Just a few days ago I told you why it is easier to be a mother if you have a tribe.

Now I want to talk to you about advantages of having friends without children, which undoubtedly also contribute a lot to our lives after we become mothers.

Sometimes, when we have children, our way of life and our way of thinking changes so much that we can lose some friends after becoming moms. Other times, friendship manages to survive and even becomes stronger than before, showing us that having friends without children when you are a mother already has many good things.

They help you stay updated

Whether we like it or not, there comes a time when we have children in which motherhood absorbs a lot of our time, leaving aside issues that may be important for people in general.

I remember when I just became a mother, I was so tired of sleeplessness and recovery after caesarean section that I knew nothing about the world. Talk with friends it helped me to know what was happening "out there" while I could enjoy and focus on being a mom.

You can have someone to support you

When we are friends with other moms, organizing an appointment or departure can be very complicated. With friends without children it is not so much. While it is true that he also has his own life full of commitments, it is much simpler to organize something with them because there are not so many things like looking for a babysitter for everyone or trying to get an outing in the afternoon when they all have their children in some Class and schedules do not match.

In Babies and more, did you lose some friends when you became a mother? Do not be distressed, you are not the only one

Another advantage is that having friends without children and being close can be convenient. If one day you need to go out without your children, one of them could help you take care of it for a while so you can do your things. Further, your children will always like to see that friend of mom who plays with them and accompanies them in pranks.

Do you have someone to talk to about other things?

Before having children, I found it a bit annoying to moms who had no other topic of conversation than to talk about their children's achievements. Of course I understand that you feel proud and that this is probably the most important or prominent of your days. But it seemed to me that nothing else was happening in their lives. Now that I am a mom, I understand how they can feel and why mothers love to talk about our children.

However, I think the Being a mother does not imply that our personal interests disappear and we only focus on talking about them. Although of course I like to talk and proudly share the wonderful things my daughter does, I am also aware that not everyone wants to hear me talk about her and that there are thousands of things we can talk about.

Of my friends at the university, I am the only one who is already a mother. They are one of the few friends I kept after being a mother. I love meeting them because I like to know what is your life and I love being able to talk about design or fashion with women who think like me. Whenever I meet them, I feel enormous satisfaction and return home happily.

They remind you that besides being a mom, you are a woman

Very related to the previous point. Having friends without children besides help keep those interests you had alive before you were a mother. Being able to meet to talk about fashion, beauty, movies or subjects that have no direct relationship with motherhood can be a respite and a way to disconnect from the stress we experience every day in our maternal life.

Sometimes when we are mothers, we leave aside those things that we were passionate about so much before having children. Friends without children are a good way to remember that we can also talk about other things and that having a hobby or hobby is very valid when you are a mother.

And how do we keep friendship alive?

Many times (even more often than we would like) motherhood distances us from our friends who are not yet mothers. This does not necessarily mean that we no longer have anything in common, we can have thousands of things, but changes in our lifestyle can affect the relationship we had.

Yes, when we are mothers our priorities change and our children take the highest position. However, our friends, whether they have children or not, they are also important and it is very healthy for a woman to have them. A conversation between friends no husband can match, however close and beautiful our relationship with him is. Women need our friends.

In Babies and more, call your friends! According to one study, having them when you are a mother helps improve your children's cognitive development

A call or a message can make the difference between a friendship that endures or one that eventually disappears. If there is no time to see each other, you have to do it or at least try to call us frequently, because being realistic, when we are mothers there is "no" time for anything, we have to do it.

Today I value even more my friends without children, because in addition to helping me disconnect from maternal stress from time to time, they have shown me that true friendship exists.

Do you have friends without children? How did your friendship change when you became a mother?

Photos | iStock
In Babies and more | How to find other moms when you are the only one in your group of friends with children, why no recent mother should spend much time alone (or feel alone)

Video: The Best & Worst Parts of Having Kids  Wine Mom (July 2024).