In pregnancy, more attention to dental health

As in almost all the discomforts of pregnancy, in the case of dental problems, the hormones are also responsible, although they also have a lot to do with bad hygiene habits.

It is not true the myth that in pregnancy teeth are lost, except in very advanced cases in which the tooth is no longer remedied.

Anyway, yes that you have to take care of your mouth during pregnancy since the hormones cause the risk of caries and gingivitis to rise, especially after the third month.

The increase in prolactin and estrogens causes changes in the woman's organism and also in the mouth, causing the bacterial plaque to act more aggressively on the teeth and gums.

Caries is one of the most common oral diseases during pregnancy, as they are more likely to form due to changes in the bacterial flora of a woman's saliva during this period.

While gingivitis is the inflammation of the gums that become red, irritated and often bleed when brushing or chewing.

The only way to avoid it is prevention, reducing the consumption of sugars, adopting good oral hygiene habits and periodically consulting the dentist.

If tooth decay has already been installed, you should go to the dentist to cure it and to prevent the rest of the mouth from becoming infected. Contrary to what many pregnant women believe, there is no risk for the baby from treating tooth decay at the dentist. With regard to other types of treatments, such as bleaching, experts recommend waiting until after delivery.

Video: Dental care important during pregnancy (July 2024).