Promoting breastfeeding is fine (unless you do it with lies about artificial milk)

A few days ago they sent us this article from the page "Jornadas: Información de reales", from Peru, in which they decided to inform about artificial milk and its consequences, to promote breastfeeding among the readers of that publication.

As you will know, from Babies and more We usually disseminate information on breastfeeding that we collect, as the best possible food for young children up to two or more years, as suggested by the WHO, in addition to comfort, affection, and a constant hug from the mother to her baby, very useful to promote an appropriate attachment bond Between both.

In addition to this, breastfeeding is a matter of health at the state level, because the more breastfed babies, the better health of the child population and the lower the hospital admissions and the associated expenses. That is why it is very important to promote breastfeeding from all possible fronts and have trained professionals to help women who want to breastfeed, offering information with rigor and professionalism. And not as they have disclosed since "Conference: Real information", exaggerating the harms of feeding babies with artificial milk.

"They don't feed anything"

According to their short but intense article, children's formulas they don't feed anything:

Of 100 women who have given birth, 15 of them breastfeed infant formulas that only seek to fatten the pockets of large pharmacies and do not feed anything to their children, who are prone to any type of disease product of this type of facts.

Yes, of course, the infant formulas industry is a business. But what product that is for sale today is not? Baby clothes are a business, soothers, strollers, baby carriers ... another thing is that manufacturers make use of questionable, unethical and often even illegal marketing strategies, which many do. But from there to say that alone Looking to gain weight in the pockets of large pharmaceutical companies there is a difference: artificial milk does feed and nourish babies.

Infant formulas do nurture babies

For almost 20 years, the highest organizations in matters of child health recommend that babies be exclusively breastfed until six months of life. In the case of babies who drink artificial milk, although until a few years ago it was said that they should drink milk until 4-6 months, it is now recommended that they follow the same pattern: six months of artificial milk, to start supplementing the diet with other foods when the baby is ready for it (after six months).

Six months of artificial milk in a period as critical as the growth and development of a newborn would be deadly for all babies if it were true that it "feeds nothing." In fact, they would not even endure six weeks, and many would not arrive even at six days.

In other words: it is not the best possible food, because human milk is unmatched today, but if a baby does not drink breast milk for whatever reason, the best alternative is the adapted infant formula.

And every time they increase obesity less

A few years ago it was, as they say, white and bottled. If you saw a kid with skunk and chubby, you knew that he was most likely being bottle fed. If he was thinner, he was a boob boy. This, of course, without counting a few exceptions of breastfed children who get huge, and bottle children not so much.

This happened because the amount of proteins contained in infant formulas was high, and was even older when they were exchanged for a continuation milk.

Now instead, in recent years, knowing that information about proteins is already popular, all brands have aimed to reduce this amount so that now the one who has less advertises it as a benefit (when in times past They came to say things like "with more protein to help your baby grow more").

Thanks to this, and thanks to the fact that more and more professionals indicate that artificial breastfeeding is also done on demand, the difference in obesity increase is getting smaller.

So there is no doubt that we have to continue offering breastfeeding information so that mothers and fathers know that human milk contains defenses and artificial milk does not, or that the milk they produce is designed for your baby, because it adapts at all times to your needs, and the artificial one is designed for all babies in general, without falling into absurd exaggerations that are also a lie.

Video: Breastfeeding with the Thompson Method (July 2024).