Educate as a family, new book on homeschooling

A new one has just been published book about homeschooling titled "Educate as a family" and will officially be presented at the Biocultura de Barcelona on May 6. It is also the first book on home education written in Catalan.

The author, Anna Ferrer Burriel, has extensive experience in family education, since she started doing it 35 years ago and has followed this model with her 15 children.

While his children were small, logically, he did not have much time, but now that they are older, he has wanted share all your experience with other families to help them on their way.

In the book he addresses topics such as the reasons for educate at home, the day to day of an educating family, socialization, the reconciliation of this task with the work and the personal fulfillment of the parents, in addition to providing data on homeschooling in Spain and studies on this subject.

In these times of cuts and complaints about the education system, more and more families are considering the possibility of educating their children at home, that is, making homeschooling.

Society is changing and it is necessary to be flexible so that families who, responsibly, want educate at home, can do so without problems or penalties in achieving the degree.

Every time homeschoolers families bet more on becoming visible and present in society and books like "Educate as a family" They contribute to this. Welcome be and from here, my congratulations to Anna.

Video: Homeschooling Today - Part 1 with Dr. James Dobsons Family Talk. 1032018 (May 2024).