Nine benefits for children of studying interpretation

Extracurricular activities are part of the leisure time of many children when school begins. Sports, painting, music, languages ​​... There are countless options that both schools, as academies and cultural centers offer children during the course.

There are many extracurriculars that, in addition to entertaining children, bring them multiple benefits and even help them develop or discover their talent, such as theater. Did you know doing theater encourages creativity, improves diction and helps overcome shyness Among many other things? We tell you that other advantages for children have the practice of this activity.

1) It helps them overcome shyness

Practicing theater can help children who are more shy and reluctant to speak in public. The fact of joining a group, working as a team and getting into a role that they should present to the public, makes them improve their self-esteem, feel better about themselves and increase their safety.

2) Learn to control their emotions

Facing a crowded auditorium is not easy, even for children with a more open and launched character. Participating in a play will help them control your emotions, to breathe deeply to reduce anxiety and, in short, to initiate relaxation practices.


3) It helps them memorize and encourages reading

To play a role in a play, it is imperative that the child read the play beforehand and memorize his sentences. This will encourage your reading skills, understanding what has been read and will help you exercise your memory.

In addition, they will enter the universe of fantasy, literature, classics ... in short, they will acquire literary culture from an early age.

4) Promotes your concentration

Getting into a role and being responsible for a part of the play will help the child improve his attention and concentration, since he will have to be aware of the phrases, gestures or indication of classmates to know when it is time for his character intervene.

5) Improve your diction and vocabulary

One of the basic exercises performed in theater is the vocalization. Children will learn to pronounce correctly, to accentuate and tone the sentences. You will also have to be very careful in maintaining a rhythm and a cadence when speaking, and making the respective pauses. Definitely, Your oral communication will improve markedly.

On the other hand, the theater will help them Expand vocabulary, to get acquainted with the different narrative genres and with literature, as well as knowing different forms of expression both in verse and prose.

6) It will increase your creativity and imagination

To play a role is to acquire a different role from your person. It is to open a book and sneak inside, being the protagonist of the story. Therefore, practicing theater will help them to foster their imagination, creativity and to get carried away by the emotions of their character.

7) Improves your body expression and coordination

The theater helps children to connect with your own body, contributing to improve their coordination and motor capacity.

One of the typical exercises that is performed when this activity is practiced, is to simulate being an object practicing postures, body changes and mimicry that help identify with it.

This makes the child acquire a complete knowledge of his body and of what you can achieve when you make a certain movement. If we also ask you to adopt the personality of that object and give it a voice, we will be promoting your imagination, as we have commented in the previous point.

8) It helps them express emotions and empathize

The act of playing a character will make them realize that there are many ways of being, feeling and expressing emotions. In addition, they will learn to acquire different social roles, to empathize with the character they play and to act in one way or another depending on their role.

Likewise, the fact of having to express a certain emotion at a given time, will teach them to gesturing better, to resort to mimicry or to implement other feelings expression techniques.

9) The success of teamwork

Theater is an activity that takes place in a team, which requires discipline and collaboration with classmates. Whoever has practiced theater, knows firsthand the bonds of affection so great that they are generated between the members of a work and the importance of working and helping each other, both in front and behind the stage. The success of a work is the triumph of teamwork.

In short, practicing theater has multiple benefits for children, which will have a positive impact on their creativity, imagination and oral and body expression.

The experts They advise to start in this activity not before the age of five, since knowing how to read, understanding what has been read and expressing yourself orally are important conditions. In any case, it is always advisable that the child first become familiar with the theater as a spectator and, little by little, be interested in this creative and fun activity.

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