Artificial insemination: what is this reproduction technique?

Couples with infertility problems, women who choose maternity alone, couples of homosexual women who decide to have a child ... There can be multiple cases in which assisted reproduction techniques are required to achieve a pregnancy.

Among the many techniques that exist, artificial insemination is the simplest, although it is not indicated in all cases. We tell you what is artificial insemination with partner or donor semen, and when it is recommended.

What is artificial insemination?

Artificial insemination consists of introduce, through a very fine catheter, a semen sample (of the partner or donor) in the woman's uterus at the exact time of ovulation. The sperm have been previously selected in the laboratory in order to improve their quality and promote pregnancy.

It is usually done after a smooth ovarian stimulation process, thanks to drugs that favor the development of ovarian follicles. Through ultrasound control, the specialist will determine the day on which the insemination should be performed, in order to increase the chances of pregnancy success.

It is a safe, very simple and painless procedure for women. It is performed in the clinic quickly, and does not require admission or subsequent rest. In Babies and more Assisted reproduction techniques: we explain each one

In which cases is it indicated?

  • Male factors

Artificial insemination is indicated in cases where there is low sperm count or mobility, or they encounter problems crossing the cervix.

  • Female factors

It is an appropriate technique in cases of mild endometriosis, uterine malformation or ovulation pathologies.

  • Other cases

It is also a suitable method for couples of homosexual women who want to have a child, or women who want to be mothers alone, as long as the woman does not have infertility problems.

What percentage of success do you have?

Unlike in vitro fertilization, whose success rate is significantly higher, artificial insemination has a success rate of 15%, which rises slightly as the cycles progress.

This percentage goes up if donor semen is used, as it has a better quality than couple semen.

The times to achieve pregnancy range between one and three months. If artificial insemination has not borne fruit after four attempts, specialists recommend changing techniques.

What is your economic cost?

The cost of an artificial insemination cycle with couple semen is around 800 euros In a private clinic. This price usually includes ultrasound and hormonal controls, insemination and analysis of the beta-HCG hormone to confirm whether pregnancy has occurred.

To this amount must be added the pharmacological treatment indicated for ovarian stimulation, follicle maturation and progesterone to facilitate implantation.

In Babies and more The infertility business: how much does it cost to have a child if you can't?

It's important to put attention on the cost may vary significantly depending on the clinic chosen, the recommended medication, the additional diagnostic tests that need to be done, as well as if it is necessary to resort to donor semen.

The high cost of this type of treatments makes Many couples choose to do so through Social Security. However, the limited economic resources of public health in Spain require compliance with a series of requirements to access treatment.

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Video: Medical Animations: Intrauterine Insemination IUI (July 2024).