13 famous phrases of great thinkers about the education of children

Educating a child is not easy, and although most of us try to do it in the best possible way, also relying on teachers and teachers, we have to be very aware of the importance of educating in values ​​and preaching with our example, because in our hands is the future generation of men and women of our society.

Thinkers, writers, politicians or educators of all time have always had very present in their speeches importance of childhood and the power of proper education. And today we wanted to remember some of these wise words and reflections that can help us so much in the daily education of our children.

"The teaching that leaves its mark is not what is done from head to head, but from heart to heart" (Howard G. Hendricks)

Hendricks was a professor and president of the Theological Seminary in Dallas, Texas, and his way of teaching was an influence for teachers and professors around the world. With this phrase, Hendricks explains the importance of teaching from empathy and love, weaving a special relationship with children, motivating them, listening to them and sharing experiences.

In this sense our children's teachers play a very important role, since his enthusiasm and enthusiasm to teach will be transmitted in every word and every gesture of his, becoming true influencers.

"The study without desire spoils the memory and does not retain anything it takes" (Leonardo da Vinci)

In line with the previous sentence, this reflection of the polymath Leonardo da Vinci also leads us to value the role of the teacher as a key figure in the motivation of children. Because there is no doubt that these they learn better and much more easily when they enjoy of what they are studying.

That is why it is so important that teachers and educators know how to instill in their students the passion and motivation when they explain. Although also from home, by promoting free play and creativity we can favor the learning process of our children.

"The best teaching is the one that uses the least amount of words necessary for the task" (María Montessori)

One of the pillars on which the Montessori pedagogical method is based is precisely to enhance the natural ability of children to learn for themselves, allowing them to freely explore, play, move and socialize according to their needs and their own rhythms .

So that, the teacher becomes a guide who must accompany the child, respecting their rhythms, not giving lessons and not intervening until they require it. But remember that also from home we can promote learning through the Montessori method, adapting our home to the child and allowing you to explore and learn based on your needs.

"Tell me and I forget it, teach me and I remember it, involve me and I learn it" (Benjamin Franklin)

This fantastic phrase of the politician, scientist and one of the Founding Fathers of the United States is very similar to the previous one because it highlights the importance of actively involving children in their learning.

Because we have already seen on several occasions how cooperative and project work is beginning to give excellent results among students, and as more and more centers begin to apply this dynamic teaching methodology.

Thanks to the role that the student acquires from his own learning, he ends up assuming a series of values, skills, content and multiple competencies that will not only serve you in your academic stage but will prepare you for your future job.

But parents from home can also promote their autonomy, giving them freedom when doing certain tasks according to their age, respecting their rhythms and not interfering with their learning processes.

"We are all geniuses. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb trees, it will live its entire life believing that it is useless" (Albert Einstein)

This phrase, which some attribute to Albert Einstein, refers to the different abilities that all children have and the importance of fostering them individually, exploring the potential that each one is capable of showing.

In this sense, the traditional teaching method would play against this innate characteristic of each person by educating all students equally, without paying attention to their specific skills, learning rhythms, creativity or personal motivations.

That is why it is important to be aware that every child is unique, carries its own rhythms and marks its own interests. Teach our children to think for themselves, to explore their individual needs and concerns, and to value their opinions It will influence your self-esteem and future development.

"In terms of culture and knowledge, only what is saved is lost; only what is given is earned" (Antonio Machado)

One of the interpretations that I draw from this brilliant phrase of the Spanish poet Antonio Machado would make reference to the importance of teaching our children to debate, ask and investigate more about what has been learned.

Because if we do not answer our children's doubts, or do not value or encourage their curiosity and critical thinking, we will be largely limiting their learning.

"Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world" (Nelson Mandela)

This is one of the most famous phrases pronounced by politician and activist Nelson Mandela and which refers to the power and influence of education in the present and future life, not only of our children in particular, but of the whole society in general.

Because investing in children is key to the development and progress of the world, and educating them in values ​​and equality will turn them tomorrow into responsible, empathic and respectful adults with those around them.

"Whatever is given to children, children will give to society" (Karl Menninger)

And in line with the previous sentence, we also share this other reflection of the American psychiatrist Karl Menninger. And we will not get tired of saying it: children are the present, but also they are the future of our society and the education we give them today will have an impact on the way they live their lives and the mark they leave on their way through the world.

Educate in equality and without violence, support them in their dreams and establish since they are small a strong relationship of trust and good communication will be key to creating future adolescents and adults committed to society.

"There is no school like a decent home and there is no teacher equal to a virtuous father" (Mahatma Gandhi)

This phrase from the Indian intellectual leader, Gandhi, highlights how important it is that parents get involved in the education of our children and Let's set an example with our actions.

We are the reference model of our children since they arrive in the world. Through the observation and treatment we give them, they learn how to act, how to interact with others, how to love, how to behave in certain situations ... And we must never forget that Education always starts at home.

"We often give children answers to remember instead of problems to solve" (Roger Lewin)

With this phrase, scientist Roger Lewin highlights one of the main problems of the traditional educational model: relying almost solely and exclusively on memorizing, without associating such knowledge with a reason.

Although luckily we see that this trend begins to change in many schools, it is important to encourage the critical thinking of children (something that we can do from home and in the family nucleus) and not give them the solution to a problem, but rather tools to learn to solve them for themselves.

"Do not avoid your children the difficulties of life, teach them to overcome them" (Louis Pasteur)

In line with the above, this other reflection of the French chemist Louis Pasteur comes to remind us how important it is Do not guide children's steps to avoid tripping, but simply accompany them on their way and help them get up when they need it.

And it is that experts have long been warning that paving the way of our children so that they do not encounter any bumps, can interfere in their life and in their future.

Giving them freedom so that they can take certain risks and test their limits, help them solve problems, give them confidence and we will be promoting their independence and his self-esteem since childhood

"I've never found a person so ignorant that I can't learn something from her" (Galileo Galilei)

This phrase of the astronomer and philosopher Galileo Galilei is one of my favorites because it makes us see the importance of combining humility (one of the greatest virtues of the human being) with the desire to learn; and in this regard everyone around us can always teach us something. And so we must pass it on to our children.

"To travel far there is no better ship than a book" (Emily Dickinson)

The American poet Emily Dickinson already said it, books are a great way to learn, to dream, to travel without moving from the armchair and to imagine.

Reading to our children from an early age has multiple advantages for its development: enriches their vocabulary, helps them to know the world around them, opens the doors of creativity and strengthens emotional bonds. But in addition, books are a wonderful way to learn content and a great help tool when it comes to explaining certain topics to our children.

Definitely great phrases pronounced by great teachers I'm sure they will make us reflect and value the importance of how we educate and raise our children. Which one has inspired you the most?

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