A pediatric x-ray immobilizer burns the nets

We were used to having the nets set on fire due to problems with the photographs of nursing mothers, with anti-vaccines or with some famous person doing their own, but not with the instruments used in pediatrics, except for those used in childbirth, of course.

But these days the photo instrument that was uploaded to Reddit a few days ago by a network user is causing a stir, it didn't take long for the fat woman to get involved. Is about A pediatric x-ray immobilizer is now the one that is setting the nets on fire.

Is it as bad as it seems?

As you can see in the photo, the system is a plastic tube in which the baby is imprisoned with the arms above his head, the system called "Pig-O-Stat Pediatric Immobilizer" and has been manufactured by the company of the same name Pig-O-Stat from 1960, which has greatly surprised the company that is right now when all this scandal has occurred.

According to the company itself, She is very proud of the product since it manages to immobilize the baby to take a plaque without major complications, neither for the baby, nor for anyone in the room. Nor are those who find it funny missing, the truth is that the child's face lends itself to many interpretations.

The problem is that seen this way it doesn't seem very comfortable For the little sick and of course, they are things that touch the sensitive fiber a little.

Some of the comments made in the thread were from medical personnel who claimed to have seen the immobilizer in the basement and had never known what it was for.

But I think a lot of the controversy has come because as we took the picture we ask ourselves, Where do you put your legs? And it really is that the "device" has an opening with a kind of saddle on which the baby sits and that is below the table, looking like a trick of those magic in which the stewardess is cut and whose legs disappear Personally, comfortable it does not seem to me and perhaps they have invented some other system to keep a baby immobilized while being radiated, but I think it is a lesser evil, a bad drink to go through to obtain an effective diagnosis. In fact, I imagine that a doctor will think about it more than once and twice before exposing a baby to a radioactive dose.

Here we leave you a video of how the machine works and if anyone has had the bad experience of having gone through something like that, we would appreciate your comments.

Video: Dr Laura Varich Pediatric Radiology (July 2024).