Ten questions to buy the right toy

It will have happened to you: enter the toy store, wander through aisles and shelves and realize that you are surrounded by toys, all of them very beautiful; you let yourself be tempted and buy the one that catches your attention the most, but when your child has it in their hands, play with it for a while to then file it in the chest of memories.

Why does this happen? We have already talked here about the importance of putting criteria into play when selecting a suitable toy for our children. Today we put at your fingertips, Ten questions that will serve as a guide when buying toys. If you respond to most of them with a resounding YES, it is very likely that your choice was the right one and the toy is a success.

  1. Does this toy fit my daughter's age?
  2. Will you be interested enough to play with him for an extended period of time?
  3. Is it well built, is it of good quality? Will it last a long time? It is safe?
  4. Will my daughter put all her imagination into play when I play with him?
  5. Will you feel satisfied using it? Will you adequately challenge your skills?
  6. Can the toy grow with my daughter? For a year? More time?
  7. Can my daughter play with him in different ways? Is it a toy that has multiple uses?
  8. Will it help my daughter to play with other children cooperatively and find solutions where everyone wins in case of conflict?
  9. Will it help my daughter to trust other people, respecting their differences, while also valuing Nature?
  10. Will it help my daughter not to reproduce sexist stereotypes?

Video: 10 Biggest Coolest Aircraft Toys Which Actually Exist (July 2024).