
It is summer on this side of the planet and there is still a month left for classes to begin. During the holidays my daughters attend a colony in the morning, an educational project of recreation and free time. This week, as the culmination of the monthly purpose, they are camping with night included.

The camps are multi-day stays that children spend in groups with specialized monitors / educators. In the camps, the child's contact with Nature is total. The periods of living with other children have many positive aspects:

  • The children are away from home for a few days. This is good for children because it encourages autonomy and sharing with friends and other referent adults.

  • They are in contact with Nature, which in many cases during the school year is very difficult.

  • Camping faces children in situations other than those experienced daily in their homes. This is very enriching and helps them mature.

  • By being integrated into a group, they improve their social skills because they put into practice all the rules of coexistence that we are constantly teaching them.

  • They participate actively in the services and in the administration. That makes them more responsible.

Although the advantages of participating in this activity are many, parents should keep in mind that not all camps for children meet the necessary quality requirements for everything to work properly. It is necessary to meet the organizers and get references before enrolling our children. For this, it is advisable to participate in the previous meetings, where the objectives of the proposed programs are explained and it is even advisable to have an interview with the educators in charge of the activity to know if our child is ready to participate in the camping.

Video: Camping Stereotypes (July 2024).