They decided to go for the third, and five arrived! The most beautiful pictures of quintuplets

Kimberly Tucci and her husband Vaughn had two 4 and 2 year old girls when they decided to go for the third one (would that be a boy?). When she got pregnant and the first ultrasound was done, they were surprised that five babies were on the way conceived naturally. A strange case that happens in one in every 55 million pregnancies.

Some time ago we showed you the beautiful photos of his pregnant mother of the quintuplets on an idyllic beach, so now we want to introduce you to the five little ones photographed by the same photographer, Erin Elizabeth, specialized in photography for babies and pregnant women, who has achieved the most beautiful pictures of quintuplets.

A pregnancy of these characteristics has not been easy. According to Kim, the mother, after her first ultrasound, told her that she could study the method of embryo selection to give two babies a better chance.

"I watched a YouTube video about the procedure and I kept crying. I could never do that! Was I selfish for not giving two the chance of 100% survival? All I know is that I already love them, and with each beat I connect more with them "

In Babies and more, the fifth was the charm! They had quintuplets after undergoing five fertility treatments

With great courage and determination they decided to continue with the pregnancy. Months later, on January 28, her beautiful and healthy babies were born: four girls and one boy (Penelope, Beatrix, Allison, Tiffany and Keith)

As you can imagine, with a family with seven children there are many expenses to cover, to begin with, a car where the nine fit. To be able to buy it, they have launched an aid campaign in Go Fund Me to raise the necessary money and, in addition, you can follow all their news on their Facebook profile Surprised by Five.

Photos | Erin Elizabeth Photography
Via | 9news
In Babies and more | Beautiful photos of a pregnant mother of quintuplets

Video: The Busby Quintuplets and Their Family! Are Back for Season 3 (July 2024).