Madrina Foundation for pregnant women without resources

The Godmother Foundation It is a social entity that devotes all its attention and assistance to young future moms who, due to life circumstances, are victims of marginalization, domestic violence, sexual abuse or who do not have the resources to be able to get their baby forward.

Through volunteers or affectionately named godmothers, the foundation has different programs, such as the Mother Program, where the godmother accompanies and offers the necessary support to the future mother for 18 months. In many moments a helping hand, an adequate advice or simply a company with which to let off steam is necessary, this is the mission of the laudable volunteers (godmothers) who collaborate in this association. Since the year 2000, the Madrina Foundation has helped many moms thanks to this program, for this reason they obtained different awards valuing and appreciating their work, but this does not end here.

They also provide necessary material for the baby, such as formula milk, diapers, bottles, etc., utensils that have been donated by various hospitals, companies, etc., to third world hospitals that require all this material. They have shelters to help young mothers, paying for accommodation, transportation, medicines, etc.

What else can we say ?, simply the gratitude for the work done by the foundation and especially the godmothers who always try to help being the reward, the happiness of the assisted mother and that of the future baby.

Video: Work & Happiness: The Human Cost of Welfare - Full Video (July 2024).