The genetic advice before pregnancy

When a couple decides to have a child and they make a previous visit to the gynecologist to plan the pregnancy, they must answer a series of questions that will help detect if there is any risk factor for the future baby. If it is affirmative, the couple will be referred to the geneticist for genetic counseling.

The genetic advice is a service in which a thorough genetic study is carried out, so they need to obtain information from three family generations, parents, siblings and children and uncles and grandparents. This information should detail illnesses, history and family health status to identify the possibility or risk they have of developing genetic disorders or transmitting them to their descendants.

This study is usually done to couples who have a family history with a known genetic problem, who have had a child with some malformation or with a metabolic disorder, with growth disorders, developmental delay or in case of being a consanguineous couple (who they are close relatives).

It is also performed in cases of infertility or infertility, late maternity (over 35 years), if one of the members is exposed to potentially mutagenic or teratogenic agents (radiation, viruses, bacteria, etc.), if you suffer from any degenerative genetic disease or behavioral problems of genetic origin.

The geneticist will also inform the couple about hereditary diseases, the risk of having children suffering from diseases, treatment and reproduction options.

This specialist, once he has collected all the information and made a diagnosis, will determine the degree of risk of the possible transmission to the future baby and will provide the corresponding advice.

Video: High Risk Pregnancy: Genetic Counseling (May 2024).