A school in Girona prohibited a girl from going with a veil

We woke up this morning with the news of a sample of intolerance in a Catalan school, specifically the Center of Primary Infant Education (CEIP) Annexa of Girona, which forbade a six-year-old girl to go to school with the veil which indicates their religion, arguing that among students there can be no differences due to sex, religion or any other reason.

While the Catalan Government has regulations, first of all tolerance, this school imposed its own, told parents that their son could not go to school with the veil, so the little Muslim had not been going to the school for a week School center.

This situation has been denounced, so it has been the Department of Education that has urged the Anexa school to admit the child. Although the letter does not talk about the veil, it is said that the girl cannot suffer discrimination and surely between today and tomorrow she will restart classes.

This is a debate that will probably never reach consensus, religion is what it has among other things, as well as the tolerance that each country shows, and then also individually. What do you say, with a veil or without a veil? How will it be easier for the little girl to integrate into school?

Video: Barcelona and Catalunya (May 2024).