Embrace, the low-cost portable incubator that helps save thousands of lives

One of the greatest inventions of medicine was the incubator, created by the mid-nineteenth century by a French doctor. They have provided intensive care to premature babies, and they continue to do so, with increasingly modern techniques, although the kangaroo method, skin-to-skin contact with the mother, has also shown spectacular results.

In many disadvantaged areas of the world, especially in those rural places where the nearest incubator is hundreds of kilometers away on impossible roads, Embrace, the low-cost portable incubator, helps save thousands of lives.

Embrace It has been designed by a group of students at Stanford University in California and its operation is very simple. It consists of a kind of sleeping bag with a thermal system that works with boiled water and can keep a temperature of 37 degrees for 4-6 hours Without needing electric power.

It is portable, easy to use and helps maintain the baby's body temperature until it can be attended by specialists and receive proper care. In addition, it is recyclable, as it can be sterilized and reused.

The invention has helped to save the lives of more than 150 thousand premature or underweight children who would otherwise have died or developed serious complications. To these benefits we must add that the price of a traditional incubator is around 20 thousand dollars when Embrace costs only 25 dollars.

Without a doubt, it is a great help invention for thousands of children, but I think that in the most disadvantaged places it is also important encourage the practice of the kangaroo method, free and effective that has been shown to have a magical effect on newborns, especially premature babies.

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More information | Embrace Warmer In Babies and more | MOM, an inexpensive inflatable incubator that could save many lives

Video: CNN Ideas: The low-cost incubator that saves lives (July 2024).