The United States is the developed country with the highest mortality rate in pregnancy and childbirth

A report provided by several United Nations agencies and the World Bank shows that The United States is the developed country with the highest mortality rate for pregnant women and those who have just given birth. The report reveals the precarious American health system, where this mortality surpasses even some poor countries such as Bosnia or Macedonia.

And to think that not long ago we announced that the US president vetoed a plan to improve the health of poor American children, this information does not surprise us at all after this. The United States surpasses the European continent, data that the rulers of that country should consider. The United States holds the 41st position in this unfortunate ranking of death during pregnancy or childbirth, undoubtedly the countries that hold the top positions in the ranking are those that have precarious health systems combined with a high fertility rate, we could put as example India, Chad, etc.

Much remains to be improved, both in industrialized and underdeveloped countries, we strongly hope that efforts will be added to reduce the mortality rate worldwide, improving those basic and indispensable conditions for the proper development and outcome of pregnancy and childbirth.

Video: Whats behind Americas rising maternal mortality rate (July 2024).