The model Chrissy Teigen shares the detail that made her realize that she was suffering from postpartum depression

Thanks to celebrities and public figures who dare to speak with sincerity and openness about motherhood, it is becoming easier to talk about issues that were not used to be said out loud, such as postpartum depression.

One of them is the model Chrissy Teigen, who in a recent interview revealed what it was the detail that made her realize that something was wrong with her and suspect she had postpartum depression after having her first daughter.

On other occasions we have talked about the moments shared by the model of her motherhood, where He speaks honestly about many issues with which mothers can identify, like the postpartum body.

In Babies and more A study reveals that one in five recent mothers hides suffering from depression or postpartum anxiety

Now, she speaks again about her motherhood and postpartum, but sharing a very personal detail that could help other mothers, because has revealed how it was that he began to suspect that something was not right with her A few months after he had Luna, his first daughter.

In an interview for People, Chrissy, who has always loved cooking and currently has two published recipe books, says that One day while working on the second book, he realized that the food no longer interested him.

I started to see the food and I was like "I'm just not in the mood to do this." Like when you go to the market after eating. You don't want the same things. The food no longer moved me. That was one of the first times I knew something was wrong.

Realizing that something he loved so much he didn't see it the same, and even began to hate working on his book, it was his attention. And perhaps for her it is the kitchen, but for other mothers it can be reading, her work, playing sports, among other things.

The important thing that we can highlight from this, It is the key piece that can help us identify a possible postpartum depression: losing love to what we were doing with such enthusiasm. For her, cooking became a torture, and it was the first sign that things were not right.

In Babies and more More support and fewer judgments: depression is the number one health complication during and after pregnancy

If you suspect that something is not right after having had your baby, you are not motivated in the same way the things that you were so passionate about before, you have negative feelings about motherhood, you feel discouraged in general and you can't get out of that state, you could be presenting symptoms of postpartum depression.

Don't be afraid to ask for help, you are not alone. In the presence of these symptoms, it is best that you go to your doctor for an assessment so you can get the help you need.

Video: Postpartum Depression: What You Need to Know (July 2024).