The first pregnant baby is fed breast milk

You will remember the well-known case of Thomas Beatie, who shocked the media for being the first pregnant transsexual. His media gut of five months has been in photos of thousands of magazines and newspapers around the world and now the exclusive images are posing with his beautiful baby Susan Juliette.

Beyond the questionable notoriety of the character, Thomas has managed to realize his dream of being a mother, an instinct that is inherent in every person who was born a woman.

One of the details of the history of this peculiar family, which I applaud, is that Thomas's wife, named Nancy, breastfeed the baby thanks to induced breastfeeding, that is to say, the provocation of the exit of the milk through a treatment with hormones and breast pumps, the same technique that moms who adopt a baby and want to breastfeed use.

You can say that the couple has completely turned to the little one. It has been the result of a strong desire to be parents, but as Thomas's partner could not conceive it was he who fathered the girl in her womb. At birth, as he could not breastfeed due to a breast removal operation performed years ago, Nancy fulfills that function. Like any couple who loves their child, they form a good team to provide the best.

Video: Breastfeeding NICU Preemies: Step 2: First Time at the Breast (July 2024).