Our ancestors gave birth with less pain

Undoubtedly, modern times have brought women some medical advantages when it comes to giving birth, even though it often becomes more difficult than it should be. But it is also undeniable that the body of women today is not the same as half a million years ago, and that is why now it is more painful to give birth.

At that time the women's bodies were more robust, and the pelvis wider, so giving birth was less painful, since the birth canal allowed a more "baggy" passage of the baby. The women of Atapuerca had fewer pains and the mothers needed twice the calories for pregnancy and lactation than those demanded today for the same.

But the differences do not end there, because as we have indicated on occasion, then the period of breastfeeding lasted between three and four years.

These are some of the conclusions of the work carried out by researcher Ana Mateos from human fossils of Atapuerca. His work group, under the National Center for Human Evolution Research, in one of his lines of research focuses on knowing "how much it costs" to be a pregnant and nursing mother in the Pleistocene from the fossils of the Sierra de Atapuerca.

Well, we have to think that evolution has brought us, even with our stretching and narrowing, many other positive things ... But we certainly don't have to think that giving birth is so painful today since, it depends on each body, it depends on each woman, it depends on each moment and each posture to give birth, but it seems that they could even have orgasms during childbirth.

Video: The Try Guys Try 14 Hours Of Labor Pain Simulation (July 2024).