Baby names: names of Greek mythology heroes

The reasons why parents decide on one name or another are varied. It may be that we choose a family name, one of a famous character that we admire, one that we always liked or that just seems pretty. There are names from other countries, names of saints, names of actors, princes, and names of heroes of myths and legends. These are the ones that we are going to collect here. The names of heroes of Greek mythology They have left their mark on history as well. Whether they exist or not, legends become paradigms.

My favorite among the heroes is Hector. Brilliant prince, firstborn son of King Priam of Troy and his wife Hecuba. Horse tamer calls him Homer. It was distinguished by its fair value, its containment capacity, its delivery. One of the most beautiful scenes of the Iliad speaks of how Hector, observes the battlefield with his beloved wife and his youngest son. She asks him not to go to a lost war but he cannot avoid his duty and tells him that death only comes when it must arrive. Shortly after he is struck down in the battle by Achilles.

Achilles He is the great hero of the Trojan epic, the greatest warrior in the field of the Greeks. Young and passionate, he was blinded by pride, passion and fury. And that in the same way that took him away from the battle when the commander in chief of the Achaeans took a woman from him, also brought him back to avenge the death of his dearest friend. He was the son of the goddess Thetis, on which an oracle weighed that said that the son she fathered would be more powerful than her father. That is why Tetis was married to a mortal, Peleo, and from her union this child was born that the goddess made invulnerable by bathing him in the waters of the Styx, the lagoon of the kingdom of the dead. But when he plunged it into the water he grabbed it with a heel, which never got wet, and there an arrow went in the war and killed him.

Ulises, called Odysseus by the Greeks, I also participate in the Trojan War and as Hector came called for duty. More devious, he tried unsuccessfully to hide, but was forced to leave. He was courageous in battle, but it was his cunning that distinguished him most. He devised the famous horse that introduced the Greeks into the city and gave them the victory. His intelligence and his deceptions were the key to victory.

Persecuted by the curse of the gods wandered wandering, leaving except for incredible adventures, listening to the sirens singing. Ten years he wandered before he could go home and recover his kingdom, the island of Ithaca, where his wife Penelope was waiting for him weaving an endless shroud.

Hercules It is a bit earlier than these two characters. His Greek name is Heracles, but the one we usually use is what the Romans gave him. Her conception was miraculous, since Zeus made the night last more than a day to be able to enjoy a woman she had fallen in love with and came to with the appearance of her husband. Hercules, therefore, was of divine blood. He killed with his own hands, being a baby, a snake sent by the goddess Hera, the jealous wife of Zeus. From his birth it was known that he was supernatural.

The Milky Way is the milk spilled by Hera when she was, with deception, forced to breastfeed it fleetingly. He covered himself with the skin of a huge lion he had annihilated. He was the strongest of the Greeks, and his exploits became legendary. But the violence sometimes blinded him and he committed a horrendous crime. Therefore, to clean himself, he had to complete a series of impossible jobs, which he always solved with victories. He descended to Hell for accompanying a friend. He was kind and brave, but thoughtless. At his death, he received immortality.

Hippolytus He was the son of the King of Athens, Theseus, the one who had finished with the Minotaur. Her mother was the queen of the Amazons and as she was a devotee of the goddess Artemis, very courageous but stubborn. His stepmother, Fedra, falls violently in love with the boy, who rejects his advances with horror. She accuses him before his father of trying to attack her and the boy, cursed and banished, dies dragged by the horses of his car, who are scared by a monster out of the sea.

It is only a sample of the many names that Greek legends collect and that can inspire us. There are many more: Paris, Menelaus, Agamemnon, Ayax, Theseus, Perseus, Chiron, Diomedes, Jason, Castor, Polux ... we will meet them.

Video: Beautifully Rare Baby Names Inspired By Greek Mythology (July 2024).