The Havisa Plan (healthy lifestyle habits) to fight against obesity in Spain

The Spanish Agency for Food Safety and Nutrition (AESAN) and the Alimentum Foundation signed a collaboration agreement for the development of a Plan to promote Healthy Living Habits in the Spanish Population (HAVISA Plan) during 2013. It is a news that our babies and more classmates collected a few weeks ago and that focused on the novelty that accompanies many food advertisements on television.

The objective is enrich advertising of some food brands by including subtitles that promote healthy eating, regular physical activity and other tips so that the Spanish population is aware of how important it is to lead healthy living habits.

It shows that I do not watch television because I have not heard about this publicity. He has been reading the blog of Duplex, a specialized advertising agency that also generates very successful content, and looking for more information on the specialized blogs of Babies and More or Vitónica when I have seen this powerful television campaign that also includes other communication mechanisms, for For example, the twitter account or the website.

As they say in Duplex, it is surprising that to remind us of tips such as those given by grandmothers and that are indicated below, we have to resort to Internet pages, television ads and use of social networks:

The best recipe: balanced diet and physical exercise. Do physical activity daily. Eat varied, balanced and moderate.

The participants in the campaign main food and beverage companies in Spain: Bimbo, Calvo, Campofrío, Coca Cola, Danone, El Pozo, Ferrero, Gallina Blanca, Pascual Group, Hero, Kellogg's, Nestlé, Nutrexpa, Orangina Schweeppes, Panrico Donuts, Pepsico, Pescanova, etc.

So from this campaign I get it clear that although you have to inform the consumer and give tools to have the criteria and ability to choose, I find it exaggerated to use both resource deployment on television or on the Internet. And, rather than spreading messages that are already transmitted from generation to generation, and if we do not, I think we have to reflect, it would seem more important for brands to choose their own content dissemination mechanisms and explain real, practical, healthy and fun cases with complete family experiences.

Video: Radiation Plans - New Apartment- New Paints (July 2024).