Gold River, the new PortAventura hotel: the west for children

On July 14, PortAventura opened a new hotel, the Gold river and since day 17 it is open to the public.

Traveling with babies and children always means assessing our travel destinations in a special way, since the pace they can follow is different and the needs for rest, food and hygiene are also different.

To try this new hotel we have been with the people who can best show us the Gold river from the point of view of the children: a baby of six months and a child of 3 and a half years (my children, come on ...).

A hotel with history

In 1803 the Callaghan family began a trip to Santa Fe. During the trip, little Lucy found some shiny stones by a river that turned out to be gold. The girl had found a gold deposit! The Callaghan stayed in the area where they founded the Sullivan settlement, which little by little, and with the arrival of other seekers, became a prosperous Victorian city.

The Gold River Hotel is a representation of the city of Sullivan, with the house where Lucy lived, which is a 5-star hotel, the miner's cabins, which are family bungalows, the Old Station railway station and various buildings that make up the Main street (in total 502 rooms, 4 swimming pools, 4 restaurants, 3 bars, a shop and a minimarket).

The children have a great time

And adults too, sure. Power live as if you were in the old west (although with more amenities, of course) is an experience that they love.

My son always wore his Sheriff's hat and was photographed riding donkeys, cows, horses and buffalo that can be found in the city for that purpose. He played the old piano (well, he and all the children that were around) in the hotel and ate at the restaurant where a free buffet with children's menus was waiting for him.

At what age is better

There is no definite age, although it is clear that the west is not a children's fairy tale. The whole atmosphere represents a city of 200 years ago (there is even a brothel, which is not such, of course, they are rooms), but it has been taken into account that children will be accommodated and the details have been devised both from the perspective of an adult as from that of the little ones.

If I had to say an ideal age, it would be from 5-6 years onwards, to enjoy the details and the atmosphere, although as I say, My son of 3 has had a pipe.

At the level of comfort and resources for the little ones, there are baby cots available if requested. There is the possibility of choosing a room equipped with a microwave, ceramic hob for cooking, dishes, toaster ... that comes to facilitate family life inside the hotel.

In the restaurant there are high chairs for children and you can choose the most appropriate schedule for each family. The toilets have a baby changing table, as usual in all current public centers.

The staff was at all times very close to the children (smiles, jokes and displays of understanding are appreciated).

The complex also has the Sullivan school, which is really a playroom where children between 4 and 11 years old can stay in the care of the monitors.

The park

From the Gold River complex you can directly access the park by entering the Far West area, close proximity that is appreciated both to go and to return.

PortAventura is an amusement park for children and adults and it shows that it has several attractions for the little ones (I would say that from about 2-3 years), soft and with the possibility in many of them to accompany them or Even ride with them.

And with babies?

At Gold river There are swimming pools and a free transport that takes you to the Beach Club, a complex near the park where there are more pools and access to the beach, restaurants, ... for those families who want to have the possibility of living PortAventura in a quieter way.

In short, we have spent some very fun and fun days the whole family playing cowboys in the streets of Sullivan although, of course, the rhythms and schedules were marked by the little ones. In the future, when they are older, we can enjoy other aspects of PortAventura (attractions, shows ...) dedicated to older children.

Video: PortAventura Far West Full Tour, The Wildest Rides in the Wildest West & Gold River Hotel Spain 2019 (July 2024).